Introducing the VersaCopter, a DIY frame kit that offers a wide range of options for many different multi-rotor designs!
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Lumenier Power Setup:
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Introducing the VersaCopter, a DIY frame kit that offers a wide range of options for many different multi-rotor designs!
Learn more here:
Links and details available here:
Lumenier Power Setup:
Thanks for your support!
You should try a 360 cam on a quad
Could u guys do more warbird reviews u haven’t done one in forever
Is there a kit I can get to make one?
You really need to tune poor Austins quad a better, those poor gyros were
really spazzing out! Nice flying though mate!
What a such great episode! Nice looking frame indeed
It looks like Josh is just in love with the graupner receiver lol
Happy midweek
Sorry is this a 250 or a 280 as i can only see 280 in the store :(
Can I have one
i’d like to know more about the GR-18 cheers guys
Hey guys! Another great FT product that I really want – but like everyone
(store shipping
else outside the U.S. can’t justify the shipping cost of
calculator puts a versa copter kit and pack E at >$60 to the UK and that
doesn’t include the import tax) when you consider items shipped from the
outside of the world (HK, China etc) can be shipped for a fraction of the
cost, makes you wonder what these U.S. Shipping companies are doing with
their ooodles of cash!
Someone put in extra effort with the air-to-air audio. I bet the timeline
looked like something Ben Burtt might’ve done for a pod race. Bravo.
You guys need to start uploading on Fridays as well
Do you have a review of the hobbyking diy fpv goggles?
whats the width of the upper and lower plate? Also are the 99.00 power pack
one shot as well or is it just the luminer power pack one shot?
I’ve been flying for awhile now and am wanting to get into the racing side.
What do you all recommend for someone who knows little about racing quads,
to start out with? I’ve been flying the 350qx3, Phantom 3… on. LOS
and FPV. So I am familiar with that, just not the quads, motors, escs,
flight controllers… on….Any input is appreciated.
Where do I send my money:) But seriously this for me boils down to being
able to tune my Naze 32. I’m still new at that and that’s really been
holding me back. Frustrating. Not gonna get a graupner.
Thanks for the Vid
Hey Flitetest, just saw this on Tested,
you should do an extra video on that 360 rig y’all built
On the naze 32 were you using straight pins or the 90 degree pins
That plane looks great to learn on, what kit is that? A nice slow flyer!
The shot at 25:16 rotating around the quadcopters was a work of art!
Will flight test ever go on world tours?
at about 16:30 somebody (sorry can’t remember your name man) mentions
building something that could make tiny tilt adjustments to follow planes.
Could you turn two of the FT Tricopter tail rotors sideways and use them to
control acceleration? That would probably allow you to fly pretty flat for
filming and still be able to adjust your speed. Love the videos thanks guys
Can you tell me a good race copter und 150$
I love ft vesrsacopter
can you make a video how to build in and set up the graupner gr18 in the
Can i buy this copter in europe? Can i help you to start a european
flite-test store?
+FliteTest what battery should I run on it?
awesome man;-)
@flitetest let me make a 1 hour video of your 2 minute enterence awesome
music and video
First of thanks for the episode! I was wandering whats the flight time you
get (with the gopro) using a 4s and a 3s battery?
What a gorgeous looking machine, well done the FT Team. If you can find the
time to create a GPS assisted version with a tutorial on getting it to work
I would (and I’m sure a bucket load of other viewers would) really
appreciate it. Mini quads are by far the most enjoyable RC flying
experience Ive ever had but having a RTL featite on them makes them so much
more fun and safer to use. Thanks in advance. ?