Try this for yourself:
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The founder of reached out to me about his new service and asked me to give it a try. I have to say that I was amazed! FlyThere has developed a way to remotely pilot drones in different locations around the world from your laptop or mobile device. I was skeptical until I tried it. It actually works very well. The interface is intuitive and very well designed. And for a limited time, you can try this for free! Other than using Chrome as your browser and having a decent internet connection, there are very few technical requirements. No credit card required and very quick setup. Please note that I am NOT getting paid for this video or by FlyThere in any way. I just enjoyed the experience and wanted to share it with you. It’s a fun way to amaze your family over the holidays. “Let’s go for a flight in Bali!” Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments below!
Wow this is incredible! Thanks for sharing I will certainly check that out.
An amazing concept that I wish I’d have thought of! I’m just not sure what the attraction would be when it goes to a pay model. Almost anyone who pays to do this will already be a drone pilot I would expect and will most likely already own a drone. In which case, why would they pay to fly someone elses? I’ll be curious to see if it’s still going in 12 months time. Oh, btw, I visited Playa Del Carmen, Mexico some years ago. I would definitely recommend giving that one a go!
The drone pilot is my niece♥️
That is super cool
Nice, does the website give the instructions on how to use ,tks
I have an android tablet, would it work with that also, tks
Fun and cool and funny, I know this place
in puerto rico too …..
This is just amazing! Who knows where this technology will take us in the future!
Way cool to be able to fly in another country using someone else’s drone. Thanks for showing this. I’ll have to give it a try.
Kelly, what’s in it for the operator? Since this feature you’re demo’ing is free, why would the operator (Justin) let someone else use and possibility destroy his drone? How does the paid version work? Does the operator get a portion of the fee the remote pilot has to pay?
1 hr before the scheduled appointment: “Cancellation Reason: Technical issues, please reschedule for a different day”
Hot Dog! Gotta try it.
Holy MOLY!! That is awesome!! Reminds me of all the remote cameras around the world you can operate but this is so cool! I am going to try this at home!!! Freakin awesome!! Thanks for the heads up on this one!!!
“A Virtual Buddy Box” for drones!
That is sooooooo cool! Ya know, now that I think about it this would be great for me. Winter weather in Minnesota is blah. Cloudy the majority of the time and snow covered. I could use this service just to get some content out when the weather is on the crappy side. Thanks for sharing this with us Kelly. I’m gonna have to check this out.
Wowww.. Thanks !! Technology is amazing, isnt it?
And does everyone can make people control is own drone ? How can we do that ?
I just checked out the sight and they are already charging 4.99 a flight go figure
I am going to try this tomorrow seems.pretty cool thanks drone bro
Tried 3 flights this evening and all 3 failed. The first canceled for no reason, the second never took off and the third never gave me control. When I went to reschedule, they wanted money. Is it a scam or failed technology? It looked cool when you did it, but I’m extremely disappointed.
That’s so cool, but kind of scary cause, what if you crash?
This is what you do when you dont have a drone
Seems like very little lag time.
That is awesome can’t wait to try it out ! Thanks
Very cool!
Really cool application. Its great to say, “Hey, I just took this picture in Buenos Aires, Argentina”. I hope video is an option as well.
wow! you traveled a lot of countries. awesome!
I watched your video and went on tonight around 8pm eastern time. And got Justin. The guy you flew with. Pretty cool website. Thank you for the video.