FPV Best moments of 2015

Compilation of my favourite flights from 2015.
Locations: Lofoten and Kvænangen in northern Norway.

Flights involving people, emergency vehicle and restricted airspace was done with permission from the involved parties

All aircraft are equiped with DragonLink for rock solid rc control!
Visit http://fpvpro.com/store for more information.

1.3ghz video transmitter with Cloverleaf or Mad mushroom in the air and Mad mushroom/Pepperbox on diversity reciever.
Recordings are made with Gopro Hero 4 Black edition and Xiaomi Yi. Mobius for selfiecam.

Aircrafts: Skywalker 1900, Mini Talon, Ritewing Z3, Bixler 3, Ranger EX, Align M470, DJI F550.

Thanks to Hermann Olsen for some epic chase scenes and formation flying.

All music is from http://audiomachine.com/

Cause of crashes:
#1 Empty lipo
#2 Unknown DJI failure
#3 Tunnel vision
#4 Just a close call 😉
#5 Elevator hinge broke on my Ranger EX
#6 Close call when miscalculating the speed and direction of the moving cloud.
#7 Too long wingspan!
#8 I throw llike a girl!

    1. Team10H
    2. Fixed Wing Rc
    3. manu jsn
    4. bruceyv83
    5. Neil “Quad Damage” McNicholl
    6. Asa Davis
    7. Geir Trones
    8. Tallakfilm
    9. roadsweeper1
    10. Tim Smit
    11. Евгений Прохоров
    12. Crazy Crow
    13. FLYER
    14. Irfan özkan
    15. hazard74productions
    16. G-Rilla FPV Team
    17. bozoTclown666
    18. AAichael Kamilak

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