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FPV Drone Bike Chase | Kids on Bikes FPV Drone Footage| Tausch FPV02:30

FPV drone chase my kids on their bikes! This was a FIRST for me filming/chasing anything moving with my FPV drone. Flying a drone FPV, racing or acro/freestyle is one thing, but chasing a moving object is another! (I need some more practice!) My three older kids and I had a lot of fun this past Labor day enjoying the weather and hanging out! Jubilee (10), Shepherd (8 3/4) and Haven (4) were exited to be chased with my FPV drone to see what they looked like riding their bikes. (Haven decied that he would rather just sit and eat!) What a beautiful day to enjoy each other and capture some great moments! Enjoy!

–Kwad Setup–
Frame – 5″ QAV-R Clone (LHI 220-RX H210 H220)(using two bottom plates and eight 35 mm stand offs)
Motors – Ethix Mr Steele V2 2345KV
ESC – KISS 24 Amp V1
VTX – Tramp
VTX Antenna – TBS Triumph 5.8 RHCP
RX – X4R-SB FrSky
RX Antenna tubes – Teflon tubing
Camera – Rotor Riot Runcam Swift 2
Props – HQ V1S 5×4.5×3
Batteries – Thunder Power Adrenaline 1300mAh 4s 100c
Battery straps – New Bee Drone large
GoPro Strap – Ethix
GoPro protective cover – Hovership Session cover

–AUW 642 grams–

Radio – FrSky Carbon Fiber Special Edition X9D M9
Radio – Antenna 5dbi

Goggles – Fat Shark HD3
Video RX – Laforge V2
Video RX Antenna (omni) – Mad Mushroom

–Build Tools–
Screw drivers/Nut drivers – Wiha
Zip ties – T&B Ty rap
Soldering iron – Hakko FX888D-23BY
Wire strippers – Ideal

    1. Maruara FPV
    2. Wynn FPV
    3. Sky Co. FPV

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