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FPV Night Super Trails – 4×4 drone off-roading: K949 Twin Hammer vs Tamiya Land Cruiser29:32

FPV off-road setup documentation: https://www.supermotoxl.com/fpvuav-models-builds-and-flight-reviews/634-fpv-scale-4×4-off-road-user-guides-a-advance-setup

We’re now on second night of FPV 4×4 drone off-roading bashing. This time we are at different location trying out more serious night driving challenges with more obstacles, longer distance drive around and more endurance since we prepared more Li-Po battery packs to spend the hour till midnight.
Right now i’ll be driving an old yet rebuild’ FPV truck the WL-toys K949 the fore sucessor of the 10428 truck series which recently painted in RED color and installed matching wheelsets. Tagged along is my friend who is still on red TAMIYA CR-01 Land Cruiser. Enjoy the videos.

    1. Martines J
    2. Turppa
    3. kurtakman1
    4. dragon model

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