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FPV Proximity Flying | Gopro Hero 903:16

Recently I got my Gopro Hero 9 and of course, I had to make a first FPV test flight with it, A quite relaxed flight downhill to the very straight Proximity line, you shouldn’t miss this one, it starts in the video at about 1:45 and is one of my favorite FPV Proximity Flying lines so far. To fly so low between the trees and the mountainside and just follow the straight line without stick corrections is always an experience.

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The area in the video is not so special now but I have a flight in my head where you all will hold your breath so be curious about the next videos.

The extra weight is already noticeable but I am glad that the bigger battery will help in winter.
This video is without editing and other video tricks except a slight color correction and real steady.
This Video clip was filmed with GoPro hero 9 in 5k 25p after reelsteady I render it in 4k, the 25frames give the image that Cinematic style in some cases.

Flying my FPV drones is always an uplifting feeling. Even after all these years I just can’t get enough of this feeling of flying.
And flying Proximity out of the first person view perspective is just breathtaking, the speeds that are possible with these small drones are just incredible.

Many of you have asked the last two months again and again if I am doing well and if there are new videos coming, thank you very much for that and of course there will be new videos coming.
Overall it was a stressful year but I’m hoping that I will have more time for FPV Action. 🙂

Stay healthy and have nice fpv flights

here you find me on other Social media Sides

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➲ Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/c/KerniFPV
➲ Airvuz – https://www.airvuz.com/user/kernifpv
➲ FPVBook – https://www.fpvbook.com/profile-292/
➲ Facebook – https://goo.gl/iXnSPg
➲ Twitter – https://twitter.com/Kerni85
➲ Rotorbuilds.com – https://rotorbuilds.com/build/2144
➲ Banggood.com – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/m3D3HRVInu
➲ Amazon – https://amzn.to/2GmiUxM
➲ Blog – https://kernifpv.de

Frame: Reverb – https://amzn.to/2GlEOBs
Flightcontroller: Revolt – https://amzn.to/2t5nnNz
ESC: T-motor 4in1 BLHeli32 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3mKDVRVIfv
Motor: Hobbywing and Johnyfpv – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/GGGmFYVS76
Probs: Tmotor T-5150 – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/KDGGFR58up
Battery: 4S SLS NoC – Tattoo Rline 3.0
VideoTR: TBS Vision Board or Unify – https://amzn.to/2GozM7dhttps://amzn.to/2D6NVTf
Antena: TBS Triumph – https://amzn.to/2GpZqIW
RC Link: TBS Crossfire Nano with immortal T and TBS Crossfire full – https://amzn.to/2t6wuxKhttps://amzn.to/2GncLl3
FPV camera: Runcam Racer 2 https://www.banggood.com/custlink/GKKvHYtZzZ
FPV-Glasses: Fatshark Transformer HD + Clearview TBS – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3DmGHYVoKG
HD Camera: GoPro Hero 9 Black
Remote Control: Taranis XD9-Plus – https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3G3DPRPOGh

Artlist I Will Rise
Song by Roman P
and here my Refferal link to artlist I get some free time for the subscription https://artlist.io/Daniel-701930

#KerniFPV #GoProHERO9

    1. Mr Magoo
    2. shane hosang
    3. Antonio Guyon
    4. André Filipe
    5. backpackpassion
    6. D'JAZZ FPV
    7. Christopher
    9. gulguim
    10. Jafeth
    11. Welsh Drones & RC`s
    12. Welsh Rob
    13. Ken Clancy
    14. Flavien_frc
    15. 100sons
    16. LZR_FPV
    17. anthony Abate
    18. cinIALVEspO w
    19. David Spivey

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