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FPV Racing Phantom 2 Quadcopters!06:58

While at CES, Will and Norm attend a quadcopter showcase event at a closed off outdoor range just outside Las Vegas. We put on FPV goggles and race a pair of DJI Phantom 2 quads! They’re not quite as fast or maneuverable as custom built multi-rotors, but they’re still thrilling to race. Who’s going to win?

This video was shot with a Sony PXW-X70 camera, which we’re testing. Thanks to B&H for providing us with gear for CES! Check it out here:

Photo credit: Eric Cheng

Shot and edited by Joey Fameli

    1. wonderfulmax
    2. x9x9x9x9x9
    3. Vito Lawrenz
    4. ultramagnus83
    5. BeRkStAh
    6. Hoverbot1TV
    7. Jean-Henri “HAF-X” Els
    8. lifeisgood12341
    9. Tom Lucette (Tomrubberduck)
    10. spamboli
    11. Ethan Boggs
    12. capcor212
    13. Sovann Levin
    14. Craig Hancock
    15. Nathaniel Chambers
    16. Macnuzz!
    17. Dim B
    18. Jacco Martijnse
    19. Iain McNally
    20. stefano First
    21. ShalinorOz
    22. Marven Wilson S Donque
    23. Allan O
    24. Cutlerylover4life1
    25. Brendan Taylor
    26. Brendan Taylor
    27. djSpinege
    28. Jack Hanks
    29. ICrashALot
    30. Ibushi
    31. RookTV
    32. Owain Hughes
    33. Batame74
    34. Mr. Sandnaga aka Ukkuman
    35. drkastenbrot

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