► FPV Crate: https://www.fpvcrate.com/collections/main/products/fpvcrate
► HGLRC Forward 55A ESC: http://bit.ly/HGLRC-FD55A || https://www.hglrc.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/hglrc-forward-55a-3-6s-f3-blheil32-4in1-esc-for-fpv-racing-drone?ref=2eziq9gyv12
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#FPVCrate #FPVcraters #Giveaway
Please leave a single comment on the video and make sure to publicly subscribe in order to enter the giveaway.
Good luck everyone! Hope I win
I’ll take one of those… ? thank you Gal for always being there for the community…
Nice, kinda surprised they shipped with everything going on, but awesome. Good luck everyone. Thanks for contest Gal
I would like to win.
Lol thank myself for sponsoring this giveaway xD real mvp here
Quite a good deal
I do not win
How do you publicly subscribe?
Fun little video. I have looked in to those grab-bag boxes and while they are generally a good value they just are not a fit for me. 1. My main interest is in 2.5 & 3 inch ultralight quads, not 5 inch. 2. I am really picky about my equipment…
Oh well..
These subscription boxes seem like a good deal but that’s only if you need the exact parts that arrive. Overall, doesn’t seem like enough savings to roll the dice
Thank you for the giveaway
Interesting review and thanks for the opportunity to win something. Stay healthy and good luck everyone!
I would like to try a Create that wod be kool ?
Cool, Something I can use.
Thanks Gal for being an invaluable resource to this community. All the best from down under.
I love give away
Awesome! Banggood shipping is like five months long, this would make up for it.
Wanna win this!
I need motors in my life.
Friend, you have great reviews! “this time I would like to thank myself for sponsoring this video”! our subscribers should be ashamed of themselves. motor super
Nice job man love the content. keep it up!