Diversity Module:
Cloverleaf antenna:
Battery I used:
Thanks Andy for another great video.
Nice review Andy
Put Brotherhobby Tornado T1 1407 3600KV motors on the Furibee X140 and you have a rocketship 
Nice to see 3″ hopefully becoming more popular as they’re a nightmare to get decent props for (if your running 110X motors)
Been flying a rotorx atom v2 for a year ish and have designed and printed out another 3″ frame that out performs it (you’re welcome to Gcode, it’s version 8, so creases are ironed out!)
I love nanotech 450mah 3 cells for this size quad, short flight time but can make up for the crap propellers on a 110x motor.
I’ve just finished a RotorX V3 4″ frame, like the 3″ but, well, arms are longer but have only managed to fly it outside very briefly (weather) I think you should review one, I made the quad up as I’m not paying stupid money for branded stuff, used racerstar ESC 4 in 1 20 amp, f3 omnibus and force 14073500kv motors (cheapest I could find) total build about £100. feels very lively, much more lively than my RaggE %2 0n 2205 motors, but weather has only allowed me to punch it a little on the road outside, but I think that’s enough to know its a beast, 198 grams with the nano tech on…
thanks for all the great reviews, and the music!
Andy, as I’m considering switching from flysky to frsky, what are the benefits of the taranis plus? Will I be able to connect to everything a taranis plus can if I get a taranis x7? Thanks
since I am not a good enough pilot to WIN giveaways I would love to buy it from you once you run out of room to store it
cheers be well
You made me laugh. Yuuup 3s is fine!
Please review the xjb-145! It looks like an awesome 3 inch.
Looks just like the new Furibee Except the ‘bee is 95mm
Hey Andy, What would your recommendation be for the best brushless micro that’s under 100grams including battery?
Fantastic model!
Idk how but i can get a 5-6 minute flight time on my 5” with a 1000mah 3s lol. How are these micros only getting like 3 minutes.
Andy – I have to complement you for not engaging in the GearBest 11-11 orgy of sales being pushed alll of last week by your reviewer compartriots! Shows a lot of class on your part. I understand why they did it, but it just made them agents of the marketer – with which I have no complaint, but I’m sure you could have engaged in the pimping show had you wanted to – and apparently chose not to, which is just a further demonstration of the honesty of your comments and your dedication to the hobby. So, big pat on the back for you!
Andy I bought the Toad 90mm and it’s your fault haha ???????? keep up the great content bro, you’re a great channel to keep an eye on for up to date stuff!! ????????
Great Video Andy! Keep up the great work. I have a blade torrent a little high priced but I love it! I also have the echine you reviewed 130 with the included camera! Thanks Andy Rich
Please reply back with that command to arm at any angle. I know I can just replay the video. Just easier if I can see it. Please and thank you.
So what’s your favorite 2to3” bnf !? Indoor/outdoor. Or both separately !? Thanks ! Love your vids !
Andy, thanks for the review – bit above my budget for a 3-inch.