The $1,299 combo of 4K drone, gaming-style controller and 810p FPV goggles delivers a unique experience for anyone who’s ever wanted to fly a racing drone.
You can buy DJI FPV here:
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Uncompetitive practices.
Stalking technology keeps getting scarier.
Why is the pilot wearing a face mask outside?
I need one of these
dude is there a reason why you are wearing your mask on outside in the middld of a field? Do you just want to be “cool” lmao
No Android support for the sim flight training app. No replacement arms listed on site if they break (which is very likely). Sort that out and I’m sold.
1 dislike for wearing the mask while flying
It makes you feel that you can fly like Superman.
This guy flying a drone with a VR headset and a mask is a cyberpunk image i wouldnt believe 10-15 years ago
Where’s my crypto mains at ?
Misleading. “You” can’t replace anything lol
I wonder if the price and the release of this thing was planned to coincide with stimulus checks.
You probably wear your mask in the shower too.
Cool now I can have proof that ufos exist just put this on record and chase one down.
You’ll get face, eyes, nose, tongue, ears, throat and brain cancers using that …….
Wow, this is awesome. Can you imagine if they had head tracking for the camera
Is DJI still Chinese owned and does it still allow the CCP to spy on people through them?
If these googles would have 4 LEDs on the front, user would look like a member of Maelstrom gang.
I see a military application for this. Could save lives and provide valuable intelligence without putting troops in harms way.
I think they should offer the hadset fornother DJI drones like my MINi Mav
Next , there would be a night vision and thermal vision. And oh yeah, 360 view …
I want to have it
That’s stimmy check is about to be gone
Its a “folding drone” if you meet a tree at 50mph
Man that thing would be in France before I figured out how to turn it around
I killed that dude in Ghost recon breakpoint..
It’s good for warzone.. should have taken more video drone splendidly
WOW nice! but EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!
I will never buy DJI drones because it’s used by the Chinese communist to develop military technology. Most people will only wake up when it’s too late and it’s already too late.
Very cool would love to try one.
Ha look out behind o you can’t. Mind the mugger coming up unseen crazy
This guy more like Tony stark
I see you were glasses do you wear them under the headset? I have mavic Air 2 Love it looking to upgrade I believe I will be able to fly this?
I couldn’t just stand in public so vulnerable. Makes me wonder if that’s how a blind person feels.
Combine with the mask and google it is cyberpunk as heck.
$$$ how much?
A schtronger build eh? Nice!
Go home Americansch, you’re drunk.
When it crashes, take a bag with you.
Does the headset come with that sweet mask?
Oh wait…
Does DJI FPV Goggles V2 has some compatibility with Mavic Air 2 or its only for DJI FPV drones?
I work for an advertising agency, and I think you have the perfect Voiceover voice. Excellent demonstration, very efficient, no stumbling. I felt like I was getting instruction from a professional. Nice job!
Thanks for bringing that to my attention, jerks, now I want one. Lol.
Must be very cheap
Dude is wearing a mask outside……….
outside in a mask = moron
I deposited $3000 to my blockchain Wallet and allow Expert lindason to trade for me making a profit of $15k just within 1 week I started already
shut up and take my money!! ive got a mavic mini, but this is on a whole new level!!
What is the range from the headset?
With that mask, I feel like flying!
Can you program it to follow you, say like if you’re riding a motorcycle ?
So geil so was holle ich mir
been using a 4k FPV racing drone for years…….why are people acting like this is new? OH…..because DJi is advertising it.
i would like to buy a few and have them shipped to South Africa,what are the possibilities of doing that?
Dji is the drop a grand drone headquarters. Welcome to Dji and take out a lone to get a drone.
You know this guy as no clue what he talking about when he says a racing drone has a 10 min battery. Nope. Try like 3 minutes. 4 tops. Also he loses creditablity wearing a mask in the middle of nowhere.
Ditch the mask man
300 bucks in hardware, for only 1,300 dollars. 1 grand markup, that’s terrible. DJI is a joke. Guides online for 5 year old kids to make this stuff.
This looks amazing ! Thanks for the great in depth video
You remind me a little of Johnny Knoxville ! Blessings from New Zealand !
Obedient compliant sheep wearing muzzle outside in the sun.
20 mins flight time? Their documents say 14 and most reviews are 10 at real speed.
On you’re own in the middle of no where with a mask on ???? WTF
LOOKS like these drones have made snipers obsolete, 1300 bucks 15 grand for a rifle,
10 times more accurate and can travel 10 times the distance and it dont matter if your target moves
you can only fly it for 15 to 20 minutes on a battery
If this device sent to, (Mars) with preservance
sounds good, but the real reviews are not that good… spare parts and if you break one of the arms will cost you $500 and only DJI will touch
2:15 Mans not only got the VR goggles on but the covid mask as well. Welcome to Cyberpunk 2021.
Why is he wearing a mask out in the open? Can Covid materialize out of thin air? He isn’t wearing one in the opening, outdoor shots.
Informative and without fluff talk. I appreciate that…to the points i need to hear
Needs two cameras for true 3d 180 VR
can this be used to drop drugs off in a jail.. asking for a friend?
This is the drone that will make money for DJI…not in sales…but surely on repairs.
Ghost Recon: breakpoint
That is WAY too much for a drone that only has an up or down camera angle and video that tilts with angle of the drone.
You’re wearing a facemask outside in open air…brilliant.
Wow,,,, tried to order some props for my spark??
apparently they just dcontinued my $400 spark!!? And another 300 in accessories and I could no longer get parts from them!!!? you think I’m going to buy another Expensive drone From you?
you’re crazy???
Great review, thank you! You made my drone choice for me!
Battery technology is holding us back in so many areas of tech. This is just another example.
At some point you just look foolish.
Ohhh look at that lovely headset sending sizzling high frequency waves directly through your head. Very nice.
does the goggles image have depth like a vr headset or is the video flat?
Can’t wait for the next model!!!
In mask… idiot..
EVERYONES saying that you get 12 mins AVG flying time.
I think DJI FPV 3 Axis Gimbals will appear either in Aftermarket or by DJI. Also Fully replaceable parts would be nice.
am i the only one that doesn’t care about filming? and just wants to feel like im flying?
Inventing new ways to make folks throw up ?
Ma togliti quella mascherina!
Is it just for flying?? Can you take pictures with it??
Why not us Oculus Quest?
I fly fpv 28ms is a crash awaiting to happen also the camera is disappointing
Come with mask??
What if someone runs up and kicks you in the junk while you have your mask on?
Reminds of the asian character in apex legends.
Why tf is this guy wearing a mask in a field outside?
Neat drone. How ridiculous to see the drone pilot out there, all on his own with a stupid mask on! Really??
Check the brain damage!
If its signal goes throigh walls imagaine What it does to your brain
Tu deine scheis Maske runter im freien braucht man keine
The background music interferes with your talking points.
Why you alone in the park wear a mask???
Was in love till he mention the price ???
Is this guy wearing a mask outside with no one around him?
Is the video 3D?
2:55 This immediately reminded me of the Apex legend; Crypto
Why wearing a face mask when standing outside!!!?? I don’t get it!
All by yourself in a park and wearing a mask, are you an idiot?
Un drone qui n’aura plus de batterie disponible dans 3 ans comme le mavic air! Merci DJI merci pour l’obsolescence !
2:42 If this is how the drone fly.. that DAMN Dji you fuckdup… bad tuning.
Is that god dam mask a necessary accessory????
a few years ago i got a mavic pro with the new at the time head set the big problem is i where glasses and it doesn’t work well .does this have the ability to adjust to my eyes thank you
what is they had lasers and sensors where they could add simulated explosions with missiles , like augmented reality dog fights
Is the google’s has lens correction ?
you are outside!! Y the mask???
Υπέροχες πτήσεις
This guy sounds like bingingwithbabish
wearing a mask outside… lol
Ok. Let me get this straight. Do it seems like from what I’ve seen on your video is…. recording from the goggles you’ll get the shaking…But… recording from the drone it comes out smooth ???
This looks like a fantastic drone. I’ve been a fan of DJI for years now. My only question is does it work with glasses on? Thank you so much for a nice complete review
So do you suggest this over the other DJIA drones? I’m looking to upgrade from my original drone
Very cool looking drone, good job on the controls; very fast speeds and quick turns. Have a good day
The ultimate toy ?
U can build the same thing with 200 $ lol
ok but WTF is wrong with you wearing a dog muzzle in the middle of nowhere standing still and piloting your drone?
Can anyone guide me to a drone with long lasting batteries? Like at least an 1hr
What’s with the mask?
I can’t be the only one who thinks it will get boring real quick, watching the video made me want to go to bed already.
Dat was amazing, what knowledge skills required to make a drone
I’ll wait for the version 2 ? excellent video ?