LDARC/Kingkong 200G review. This Ultralight racer is one of the few pre built drones out there that is UNDER 200 grams. Very cool indeed and makes for a totally unique flying experience – http://bit.ly/LDARC200GTdrone
Part 1 here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm9JwQODjPQ
Goggles – Aomway commanders – http://bit.ly/aomwayFPV
Radio – Taranis QX7 – http://bit.ly/FrskyQX7
Props – cyclones 5046C – http://bit.ly/DALcyclone
Charger – SkyRC Q200 – http://bit.ly/Q200charger
Race gates and flags – http://bit.ly/PhaserFPVflags
Good value beginner drone – Furibee x215 – http://bit.ly/2xs712W
FYI these are affiliate or campaign links and the above product was sent for free. If you dont like it, feel free to just google search the product or store and get the link that way. But if it doesn’t bother you these links help support the channel and also help vendors track the impact of my videos.
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http://bit.ly/2exudq0 Over 200 videos of awesome reviews on FPV related products. Including the Atom v2 review, the TBS Tango vs Taranis Review, The Fatshark Dominator SE FPV goggle review and heaps more.
http://bit.ly/2emcnGW Build guides. Everything you need to know when building a quad. From detailed step by step guides for beginners to quick guides to specific types of fpv drones. Find out how to build your own FPV racing drone here.
http://bit.ly/2dXq3ps Happy flying videos. FPV flight videos with voice over commentary about the quad scene. FPV lifestyle, tips to flying better, finding locations and just general chit chat about this awesome hobby.
Contact Maxwell W. for Custom intros (he made this one) Maxwelllwang@gmail.com
Mic used – http://bit.ly/2jAl3Ly
Camera – Cannon 700D
Action camera – GoPro sessions 5
Thanks again to everyone who enjoys, like or shares these videos. We have such an amazing community and it is extremely humbling to know that my videos are reaching so many of you. Stay tuned for more exciting videos and as always…
Happy flying.
worth $200 ? also what are your thoughts on heavy and light? this video was great for me to see how different people want different things from their drone and maybe one is not better than the other and both have pros and cons. thoughts?
Another great review Stew. I found it interesting that the three of you had such a different experience with it, just shows we’re all different pilots in what we like. Mine always end up so heavy, I need to build a super light quad to see the difference. Thanks.
lets get trev and cal’s dvr footage in here!!!!!
I want to see some of grumpy’s flight footage! Never get to see it… poor feller! Lol
Love the “buzzing fight” at the end. Really put a smile on my face.
Finally got You tube working properly to post comments!! Great Channel Stu, love your work. Waiting for my Emax Hawk 5 to arrive but like the look of this LDRC offering.
Love the riot shield bit!
They’re aircraft, lighter always flies better.
I think every little blip of the stick comes down to experience and preference. When you fly a lot of quads, or when you fly a lot of aircraft whether it be planes, helicopters or quads, it’s only natural that you’re gonna have your favorites. It’s like playing different guitars. They feel different and you get to have your personal favorites. HOWEVER!!!!!!!…………and that’s a big however (LOL) you adapt. You adapt to flying styles, you adapt to fast, slow, aerobatic, heavy or light, quick on the sticks…..whatever. You ADAPT. That’s what makes a great pilot. Every little blip on the stick in the hands of the right flyer will probably blow the competition away with something like this.
I will admit I like flying both heavy and light ships. I have an old Armattan CNC Aluminum frame that is very heavy but fun to fly because you can get nice smooth sweeping turns and if you want to whip one it will just almost stop and change directions. I also love the light twitchy flying ships. I bought one of these and love it. It is like having a 5” Droner… Love all of them for just what they are….
If its light and twitchy then defiantly turn down your rates and add expo for fine tune.
I see you are still rocking the Commander V2’s Stew. Are you sticking with them?
Just a little tip for everyone looking into building a quad like this or getting this one in particular. If you’re looking for absolute insane speed without overheating, check out the DAL T5051c props. You won’t be disappointed.
Hows the speed compare to other 4s racers like the bfight? I’m sure even the Darkmax was getting 84mph on 4s so i think weight comes into play gives it some more ineritia and also aids in stability. imo 250-300grams is a nice area to be in.
Stew can you do a vid on the Phaser gates please. I’m thinking about getting some and I would like to get your views on them. How do they stay up in the wind, etc. thanks for all the great content.
Hi I’m trying to get into FPv racing what do you recommend to start with
so light and so nimble! …bi blades fo sure!! .. bring on the dual blade, Azure Carbon Galaxy’s!! ??
seems like this would be a great quad for casual flying if you can actually get 10+ minutes of flight time from it