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#Drone #RC #Hobby
I just got done flying a little fpv tonight, man it is so addicting!! Nice flight!! loved the flips and trees!!
I’m a LibrePilot cc3d guy. I love my setups. It’s great firmware.
I wish i was in Dubai so you could help me with my PIDs im really struggling on this qav250
when i punch out then let off my left front arm dips and i cant seem to fix it doesnt happen till i let off throttle
Are you running betaflight on it? Dime of the hang times are on airmode? Could you please post your PIDs?
Very nice place for flying
What is it? Private airport?
You are not so rusty if you ask me lol The Acro force is still strong with you!
Thanks for the ride and happy midweek
lmao at that ending
nice brother ? ? ? excellent fpv ?
ali what speeds can that drone reach
Thanks man. welcome to the club
about 100 to 110km
Nops, I configured it using librepilot (as Openpilot now discontinued) so its basically still OpenPilot firmware. My PIDs are already posted in my older videos.
This is the Personal Hangers of Royal Highness Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan (Known as Fazza as well) He does a whole lot of extreme sports. When I get permission I will post a video of the tour of his personal hanger
filled with planes, skydiving planes, gliders, Extra 330s, Trikes, quads, Auto gyros and so much more. And I mean all real, no RC
All real planes.
it sure is
glad to find one more guy who loves the LibrePilot
Cool video and nice flying
Ali what’s your frame ?
excelent pilot!
Salam…. nice…
where is this …..
Ali if your selling this how much would you sell it in AED I live in Mirdif if you sell it contact me
+alishanmao no prob, thx!
Just re calibrate ESC’s
Bro just saying, your P looks a little off… By like 10 points or so… But it’s CC3D so u never know….
ali do u have rc show room do u sell drone and plane????
What is this dude ^ talking about lol calibrate esc haha ok i will email you man
i ran libra back in the day with cc3d my qav250 is running cobra 2206 2100kv spider18 esc dal 5045 bn tri blade with a 1000mah venom 4s lol
Now that was fast buddy. I am amazed that they do not break apart when turning suddenly at high speed or that the props do not tear off.
That was a crazy cool flight. I would have crashed in the first 10sec. Vary well done.
+alishanmao yeah! Here in the US it’s almost all clean/beta flight or race flight. But LibrePilot has come a very long way since OpenPilot. New release claimed by the end of the year too. Only getting better.
Cc3d is a great board. It’s got a superb gyro. Yes his P is a touch high. But he said it was stock PIDs. Cc3d is still a very relevant board. And LibrePilot is a great firmware. Easily competes with beta/clean flight. At least until all the F1 chipped boards are gone and F3/f4 ones are all that remains. But then you just get a Revolution board. F3 or F4 chipped (I can’t remember which)
Nice Ali
Well I am using Dal Props. They are unbreakable. i crashed yesterday upon landing. Bump the ground. jumped up, 0 throttle, quad fell on pros. Two props bent. I unbent them and it flies like new
Nops. used to have one before in China. closed down the business when i moved to Dubai. planning to open one soon
Thanks, I will try to decrease P and try it
Hi Ababs, I have another one that I will be selling. its all built and has a shell as well. you can come see it if you like
drop me an email to alishanmao@gmail.com and I can give you my whatsapp and phone
Dubai. His Highness (Ruler of Dubai) Personal Air field.
A clone of clones of clone
from China
I was flying with Acro+ mode. drop an email to alishanmao@gmail.com with a subject saying 250 CC3D PIDs wanted
my email is alishanmao@gmail.com man
People like to follow like sheep whatever is in the market. they completely manage to ignore the golden hardware like CC3D and Librepilot
+alishanmao send me the picture of it
Thanks ma´man!
Ali You should fly it between your legs at speed! Be the first!
+alishanmao Thanks
! I really wanted to start flying multirotor but has such a low flight time :/
Oh wow nice …..
Hey alishan I am uploading a video after my tune i need a little help can you tell me whats wrong by looking at it?
Nice flying, need to find some time to get out with mine
That thing needs a tune! Wobbles everywhere!
Nice !
what pid do you used??
Good day Ali, what an amazing airstrip that was! Please help me add a airmode to my configuration of my CC3D in Libre Pilot. The multirotor is a Eachine Falcon 250. I want to give it to someone as a gift and feel like he will be missing the thrill without an airmode configured.
which camera and glasses you use?
some quad can get to 140
Can you show the PID?
this has to be the best i’ve seen a 250 racer fly. nice job ali!
Il arrive même à servir du vent qui a l’air fort se jours de plus. god” game
Had to stop watching due to the horrible sound
watch my newest videos. They have music for ya
really , so bad but in 2016
not a walkera runner 250
Had to stop watching due to the horrible sound
this has to be the best i’ve seen a 250 racer fly. nice job ali!
Dude! Mute the drone noise and replace it with some music! There’s plenty of royalty free music out there. Just spend $30. That wind noise had just made 27600 viewers deaf above 5kHz.
which camera and glasses you use?
which camera and glasses you use?