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How I Lost Then Found My 2000 Drone07:19

Here is the rest of the video from the sled rip day. Shows all what happened with the Skydio drone and how I found it….thank god haha. Next time…if there is a next time I will be able to find it much quicker. Thanks for watching! Stay tuned for more!

    1. R1SoDaRkLy
    2. GYPSY400
    3. RaG3 Raindrop
    4. pj c
    5. M W
    6. Fallyn Leigh
    7. BpikeATV
    8. William. Boucha
    9. Swampus Kat
    10. Tittle Diesel Performance LLC
    11. Nick 636n8r
    12. Johnny Great
    13. Nate Masse
    14. Karl Baptiste
    15. Patrick Rich
    16. dunkian40
    17. Dj Smith EST 77
    18. Brian Amrhein
    19. Anton H
    20. Jk231
    21. Zack's Tracks
    22. Vera 870
    23. Silvio Wanderlei Maieski
    24. Magnum McClean
    25. M Bergeron
    26. MCham08
    27. AlexMotov

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