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How to Build: S3RA Ninja Star 2018 – High School FPV Drone Racing55:50

This video guide is a complete walk-through to build a nano-sized indoor first-person-view (FPV) racing drone, the S3 Ninja Star 2018.

To follow along with step-by-step instructions, you can find the Build Guide here: SafetyThirdRacing.com/Academy

Drone racing, a sport of the future, is coming to more than a dozen schools in Northern Ohio this Spring 2018. Thanks to a generous equipment sponsorship from Buckeye Broadband, EHOVE Career Center organized a training seminar for participating schools January 23, with training provided by Safety Third Racing.

Safety Third Racing, started in 2015 as a community of hobbyist drone pilots, is exploring new educational territory with its Safety Third Racing Academy programming.

For more information, and to find out how to bring S3RA drone racing to your school in 2018/2019, visit SafetyThirdRacing.com/Academy

Thank you Buckeye Broadband for compiling this video footage!

    1. CoffeeAndGuitar

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