HOW TO FLY FPV DRONE – Simulator to Reality – Learning Split S
In this video, we build upon our previous topics of Best Beginner FPV Drone Kit (in which we were able to procure the best value components of each Transmitter, Simulator, Quadcopter, and FPV Goggles). DIY FPV Race Gates and Flags, our FPV Race Lap Timer – PIDFLIGHT, and our FPV Race Track. We take this foundation and Journey to Better with the first in our series of How to Fly FPV Drone – Simulator to Reality (Split S). How to Fly FPV Drone – Simulator to Reality (Split S) starts with Velocidrone Simulator practice and merges into reality backyard practice performing rudimentary Split S maneuvers. Not perfect, but it’s a start and one step in the right direction toward our Journey to Better! Thanks for Watching!
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Goggles – Aomway Commander V1:¤cy=USD&createTmp=1&cur_warehouse=CN&utm_source=googleshopping&utm_medium=cpc_ods&utm_content=heath&utm_campaign=usc-ods-us&gclid=CjwKCAjwzqPcBRAnEiwAzKRgS5aM1V7Cb61grXbS8VBVHsbwRX8B3DA0jX0kLYmoTA552KUzB1hfXxoCJsUQAvD_BwE
Radio – Taranis QX7:
Charger – Keenstone C1-XR Intelligent Charger:
Race Gates, Corner Poles, and Whoop Hoops:
DIY PVC, House Wrap, Pool Noodles,
transparent Hoola-Hoops & LED Lights!
Camera Gear: Hawkeye Firefly Micro, DROGRACE Action Camera WP 350, Motorola Moto G
Quads – QX-65, GT R90, Wizard X220
Intro Music: Irish Tin Whistle — Celtic/Dance
Download Music:… Irish Tin Whistle on Spotify:… TeknoAXE on Spotify:…
Music Provided by BreakingCopyright
HEUX – Power Rangers 2016
Epic Chase Music-Drive (Copyright and Royalty Free)
Ross Bugden – Music
Published on Aug 12, 2015
Outro Music: Forged By Fire: A Celtic Battle Theme. Royalty/Copyright Free
An Epic, Celtic Battle theme inspired by the story of Willam Wallace. Composed by Moustro 2015
#droneracing, #howtoflyfpv, #howtoflydrone, #fpvracing, #racingdrone, #tmac, #tmacfpv, #fpv, #drones, #quadcopter, #multirotor, #fpvquad, #quad
Thank you for watching! Beginner FPV Pilot, experienced pilot, ever try the Split S? Let us know what your experiences have been in this Comments Section! We look forward to hearing from you and will respond to all comments as quickly as possible. Thanks again and Happy Flying! Journey to Better! JTB ???
great video TMac brother so true I learnt to fpv first then went to a sim to keep my eye in etc I found that easier for me 🙂
Great flying!
damn, that fps in the simulator
Yeah man that´s the way it works? Try it on Sim first and then bring it to the real world !
Great info buddy well done