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How to get FPV DRONE RACING for under $300! Parts +Full setup.31:39

How to get into drone racing for under $300. A complete guide on what to buy? How to set it up? and how to get drone FPV racing with the best gear you can get for under $300. This kit is the real deal and unlike most of the other cheap stuff out there this is actually going to last, be reliable, have bucket loads of speed and most importantly a heaps of fun. This kit includes a quad, radio, fpv goggles, charger, and battery. Everything you need to get up and drone racing. LINKS BELOW

Eachine Wizard ARF racing quad–
FlySky 1a6 Radio Receiver combo –
Kylin FPV vision goggles –
(UPDATE 16th of Janurary) – A bit more $$$ but I just tried these goggles and they are AMAZING
4s lipo battery – if not working try this one
new – battery because other sold out
Battery Charger –

Seems the batteries are sold out, you could also use these – better quality but a few $ more

Instead of the kylin goggles you can also get the cheaper Ev800s but I recommend the Kylins for the few extra $$.

At the time of making this video it totalled up to about $290ish. But I understand that people may be watching this video even though the prices have changed. But the point is that this is the best kit you can get for the money. You CANT get into the fpv racing hobby with anything less and anyone who tell’s you otherwise is either misinformed or doesn’t know what they are missing. I have reviewed a TON of quads and FPV gear and shopped around and if you are wanting to get into the hobby this is ABSOLUTE CHEAPEST you can do it without wasting your money on Junk.

So with that said and done. WELCOME TO THE HOBBY. You are going to love it and it is a lot of fun.

RECOMMENDED UPGRADES in the future are

– More batteries – like 10 – 20 more because you won’t want to stop.
– Frsky taranis radio
– Fatshark FPV goggles (dominator or attitude series).

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