I haven’t flown in over 4 months! On top of that, I’m not even a good pilot. But I love to fly and Philip Wolters called me out on Facebook. I was required to go out and have a good time, or I owed him some new gear. I’m really cheap, so I opted to go fly and have a good time
“This is War”
30 Seconds to Mars
If you want to learn more about FPV and mini quads visit my company website… https://rotorriot.com/
I misunderstood you as a “business man”. You are a pilot! Thumbs up!
This was awesome! Always good to see Chad having fun and sharing it with us.
Nice job Kapp!! Glad to see you flying and well shot, very smooth!!
Nice video man and spots now I’m going out to fly lol
This video inspires me to come fly with you down in your neighborhood. Some great spots down there. Good solid looking FPV for sure. Awesome !
I really needed this video today. Thanks Chad!
Can we feature this guy on rotorriot ???
I want an hour long video of Kapper running around with his dog. That would be pleasant.
Dude you have an eye for this video and drones thing, you should start a channel!
Hey chad love your work mate and gday from oz can i have your dog great to see you fpving ive been a fan for a long time.
i almost teared up kool vid
Not to shabby at all sir!!?
Loved the part where you weaved through the scraggle! Awesome flying!
Very nice video, bro! Thanks for sharing such a fun fpv experience!
Fpv is a addiction! Im sooooo hooked! Great vid!
Wow, hitting all the old RR spots. Very nice , Sir?
Great video! It is all about the fun of flying. And this shows it. Thanks for sharing Chad
*Good to see you behind the sticks, Chad!*
thank you for all you have done for us and now i am going to go fly
<3 ++++
Appreciate seeing you fly and enjoy fpv man! When i saw that wire i was like :O Keep it up
Wow Chad this was amazing! I love to see you flying and all those spots again from the older RR episodes.
Please do more flying videos every now and then
Flexing on us I see 0:34
I’m super happy you flew man…it’s a great feeling you should enjoy more of!
Awesome Chad! First you explaining the back story and memories on the RC Afterhours podcast and now getting out and flying. Keep it up. ?? I can believe I wasn’t subscribed.
nothing like the freedom of fun, NICE Mr. Kapper
Thanks Chad!
Damn you got some pretty good spots out your way
fuck ya chad! still waitting on my coin tho. much love homie!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lunchmeat sause allllll over
You know, even tho I’ve been watching Chads video style since I was a preteen with Flite Test and beyond, I wasn’t sure what his edit style would of been like going in. After watching theres at least one I can say stays consistent: its very warming and makes me want to fly something!
Nice job, some great spots there. I recognize that grassy area with the bridge from the RR episode where the guys tried flying the eachine racer 250 rtf, results were as expected from the racer… LoL
Is this the same spot:
I don’t know why you say you’re not even a good pilot. Sure, some Youtubers have insane skills, that seem almost alien, but that doesn’t mean that anyone else isn’t good. Besides, having fun matters more than being one of the best. Thanks for sharing this video, I enjoyed watching it, and judging by the comment, many more did as well.
Wow man you can actually fly pretty well and you always act like you can’t fly, that was an awesome video.
Awesome song 4 an awesome edit good stuff good stuff…
Please never stop making content!