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Is This The Best Drifting Footage? DRIFTSQUID | SONVIA| DRONE | SNAKE FPV03:41

Here is some of the most insane Drifting Footage ive ever put on my Channel. Snake FPV came out to Winton Matsuri and chased me around the track to capture this unreal Footage. Sit back and enjoy the Sonvia Screaming around Winton Raceway.

Big thanks to –
Snake FPV – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2lMtWiCL2Xz59rQGbIcTVw

Want to see more of my Sonvia, the RBM3 or anything I get up to in my busy world then Please hit that Subscribe link!

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DriftSquid Merch http//:www.driftsquid.bigcartel.com

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Music from Epidemic Sound

    1. scoobystud1ja
    2. Tai-Vivien Ualolo
    3. Lee Utner
    4. Sephiroth Aus
    5. LensoMedia
    6. Lachlan Sharpe
    7. Lachlan Mackiewicz
    8. Sam Monks
    9. tearaw drift
    10. freedomlifemake 25
    11. walkdwalker
    12. IR_ Stona
    13. Vilson Ivezic
    14. Zero Given
    15. James
    16. Ash Reich
    17. ClutchkickPJ
    18. stefan samotulka

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