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Iseries DroneRacing Competition 1st place by MCK??02:56

I got 1st place in UK Iseries Drone racing competition!
It was super fun and was good time to meet lots of pilots!
and My GoPro run was slow because I just tried to finish the race!
and my Goggle DVR is one of my final rounds it was FULLSEND!!!!

-Xbee MCK NEW ,V1
-FlightOne Millivolt V2 osd SIMMODE
-FlightOne Spark 32
-FlightOne DarkMatter Skitzo 1300mah 150C 6S
-Tmotor F60Pro2 1750KV
-Foxeer Predator V3 micro
-Gemfan 5149
-TBS Unify Pro-Race VTX
-TBS Crossfire Nano
-Futaba 16SZ with Crossfire
-Fatshark HDO,Rapidfire

    1. Snappy uk
    2. Doom Engine FPV
    3. The doctor Jobabyjo
    4. Thomas FPV
    5. Andy Holmes
    6. George FPV
    7. Tamas Lakatos
    8. Skeemo FPV
    9. Gavlar Fpv 78
    10. Travis Ames
    11. Captainvanover
    12. M1staGate
    13. FPVtree
    14. Chivi López
    15. Joao Pedro
    16. LeoFPV
    18. Droneshop.nl

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