Lumenier QAV210 CHARPU Carbon Fiber FPV Quadcopter – Project Bat Drone First Flight
This is the first flight of my quad racer/racing drone build Project Batdrone. Enjoy the video my friends and thanks for watching!
Lumenier QAV210 CHARPU Carbon Fiber FPV Quadcopter
Team BlackSheep PowerCube – Multi Rotor Stack
Lumenier FX2208-9 2000kv Multi-Rotor motor
Lumenier CM-650 Mini – 650TVL Camera 26x26mm
Lumenier TX5G6 Mini 600mW 5.8GHz 32CH FPV Transmitter
PO BOX 5053
iROCK™ RC/ iROCK™ Studios © 2015 iROCK STUDIOS LLC. All rights reserved. This video is intended for entertainment purposes only. Viewer discretion is advised.
Lookin Good Brother!!!
youll get it bro!!
IROCK, my hats off to you bro. I see some improvements from the Annakin
drone till now. Just stick to it and keep practicing you’ll get it.
Practice costs nothing but time, but the experience you gain is PRICELESS.
Dude. I feel ya. Been there. The growing pains of flying is painful and can
be pricey but don’t give up. Learning to fly collective pitch helis was the
hardest obstacle for me. The skill I learned was applied to quads. Just
keep practicing Bruh! The bat is awesome. I just got my FPV. I’m excited!
Great attempt bro, don’t give up and keep at it. ?
nice practice my friend have fun RCing
cool Video!!! that sure is not easy to handle….!! u are a good Pilote it will be a short time till you can handle like you want?
thumbs up for show us??
salutations Brother
great stuff iRock just keep at it you will be a great some day I’m sure of
that. well done my friend and happy flying :-)
Maybe headless mode, got to fly in all modes to see what they all do for
you. I expected to see just what you did, i know your a beginner & soon
you’ll one of the best FPV pilots on the tube.
The piloting seems complicated, but with the training it will be fantastic,
great test my friend…. :-)
awesome to see your taking us with you on your quest of learning how to fly
a racing drone.
very nice build, i also own a qav210 but only 2206 motors!