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MICRO FPV DRONE PARTS – Flight Controllers and ESCs21:17

MICRO FPV RACE DRONE PARTS – Flight Contollers and ESCs
Micro FPV Race Drone Parts – Flight Controllers and ESCs. In this video, we compare two of the most feature-packed Flight Controller and ESC Stack Combinations there are for your Micro FPV Race drone Build, the Omnibus F4 nano V6 &and ORI 32 ESC along with the Diatone Mamba F405 Mini. We do a side-by-side comparison of the two Flight Controller and ESC stacks, going over some of the most important features of each and explain what each of the features means for your build! We hope you find this information helpful in the construction of your very own Micro FPV Racer! Thanks for Watching!
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TABLE OF CONTENTS (Hyperlinked for Easy Jump to Specific Sections of Video)
0:00 Introduction
0:36 Start of Comparison
1:32 Stack Features Explained
6:10 Flight Controller Stack Side-By-Side Comparison
12:59 What Size ESC Do You Need (Amps-Wise)
14:33 Airbot Omnibus F4 Nano V6 Stack Fit Example
17:00 Wiring Plan Documentation for Flight Controller Stacks
20:45 Concluding Remarks
PRODUCT LINKS: Some (or all) of the following are affiliated links–when you use them to make ANY purchase (not just the linked product), AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU, supports your TMac FPV Channel & enable TMac FPV to earn small referral fees through affiliated sites. They are here for your convenience & there is no additional cost to you for using them.
FlexRC Ascent X 2.5 Inch Frame: https://flexrc.com/?wpam_id=48
Airbot Omnibus F4 Nano V6 Flight Controller: https://bit.ly/2QMGPsv
Airbot Ori32 BLHeli 32 25A 4-in-1 ESC: https://bit.ly/2B32F5E
If you order the FC and ESC separately, you’ll need the cable below
Wring Harness (8-pin JST-SH 4 in 1 ESC to TC Cable): https://bit.ly/2KvDYly
Diatone F4 Mini Mamba power Tower: https://bit.ly/2R7uHmk
Diatone Mamba F405 Flight Controller (only): https://bit.ly/2R9o6Yq
Diatone Mamba F25 4-in-1 Shot 600 ESC (only): https://bit.ly/2zpRaEt
Goggles – Aomway Commander V1: https://bit.ly/2OBTWM8
Radio – Taranis QX7: https://www.horusrc.com/en/new-frsky-2-4g-accst-taranis-q-x7-16-channels-transmitter-white-and-black-color.html?acc=13396
Charger – Keenstone C1-XR Intelligent Charger: https://amzn.to/2LV5qs6
DIY PVC, House Wrap, Pool Noodles, transparent Hoola-Hoops & LED Lights!
Hawkeye Firefly HD 1080P Micro Action Camera: https://amzn.to/2DtMJg6 OR https://bit.ly/2xQXVxb
Firefly & SQ13 3D Mounts: http://www.pandemicfpv.com/
Mini Camera SQ13 1080P HD: https://amzn.to/2yiS1Ga
Linnse Digital HD Video Camera: https://amzn.to/2QNAlcv
DROGRACE Action Camera WP 350: https://amzn.to/2RJgeNY
Motorola Moto G
Quads – QX-65 (Whoop Class), GT R90 (2-inch), FlexRC Ascent X (2.5 Inch), Wizard X220 (5-inch)
Intro Music: Irish Tin Whistle — Celtic/Dance
Download Music: http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q… Irish Tin Whistle on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/track/1zxCUi… TeknoAXE on Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/7fKlSCu… http://www.reverbnation.com/teknoaxe
Outro Music: Forged By Fire: A Celtic Battle Theme. Royalty/Copyright Free
An Epic, Celtic Battle theme inspired by the story of Willam Wallace. Composed by Moustro 2015
#microdrone, #microfpv, #microfpvbuild, #fpvracing, #JourneytoBetter, #droneracing, #JTB, #racingdrone, #tmacfpv, #fpv, #drone, #quadcopter, #dronebuild

    1. TMac

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