Testing out some micro HD cameras on the new top mounted Zappy 120 frame from Rocket Quads. In love with these safe/neighborhood flyers, opens a whole new realm of possibilities!
Frame: Zappy 120 “Z” Edition
Tiny Pepper ESC
TinyFish Flight Controller
Cyclops Camera (HD FPV Cam, or Predator Micro)
1105 – 7000kv Motors
2.5inch Props
TPU Protective Case
Quelima SQ12
iMars SQ8
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Colors look better on the sq12 but cyclops seems to handle light changes better, although looks a bit overexposed sometimes. I like the cyclops better, the sq12 is just blacking out too much. I just got the hawkeye firefly, it has similar colors to the sq12 but I think it handles changes in brightness a bit better. You don’t seem to have a problem with jello, I have massive jello on my firefly footage, it is much more sensitive to vibration than a gopro
I would love to try that on my Zappy 120.
Micros Yay!
Good luck ??
Did you know that dude in yellow car?
Tripped him right out if not.
Cool vid as usual. SQ12 seems to have a low framerate. Cool effect but might not want that all the time.
Love what you do for the fpv community! Keep up the good work
Sq12 love it
Love your videos would love to win need a camera for my quad
Sign me up for the sq12. Liked an subbed
Hi Zoe, I use the Cyclops she have a little lattente so for racing drone is not perfect, a mobius mini lens B is better other camera. the swift mini V2 is the best for FPV. this I use for 2″ and .3″, wing and plane. ?
Other you have a grear channel ! ?
Me, me, me
I would love an sq12 ! Love your stuff Zoe. Forever changing the game!!!
Love the video. They both look good.
Let’s go!!!
looks great!
Greets from St. Louis girl. I would love a HD cam for my quad!
the Micro Motor Warehouse impression cracked me up!
Cyclops footage looked alot smoother, sq12 looked like lesser fps or lacking bitrate quality or something, yuck.
Can I get a link to this cyclops plzz :}
iv wanted one of those sq12’s but didnt know how good they REALLY are….
But which on did you prefer flying. Curious about the latency with the cyclops cam.
Hook fatboifpv up or at least let me buy a badass mount
Cyclopse looks much better than the SQ12.. Not bad though for the size and weight.. Did you do any post processing on these?
Pick me please new to the fpv scene
lol for Benedikt Haak intro
I like the SQ12 because it’s way faster when transitioning from dark to low or vice versa.
Im not worried about winning, not a lucky guy. But, I have to say, you have got some mad skills to float tiny quads like that… Subscribed!
hoping to be a lucky comentor if not to late
Cool flying!
I would love the HD camera for my XJB- 145
thanks for the chance to win
To cool females i,m 58 year old man, built my 1st race drone 6mo. Ago.anything is possible. I never win anything ,but what the heck i,’ll try to win. Really like this drone you showed.
Sweet video! Love your flying, keep it up!
so fun
Yet another awesome review I love your cinematography and music combinations and of course you’re flying LOL. I’ve only been flying of PV for months and I have yet to have a drone and with recording capabilities think that should be next on wish list, that and maybe new FPV goggles a step up from that Eachine VR 007’s I have now! Anyways good work keep up the great content! ?
Wow just wow
What’s wood with that sq12?
Interesting vid, I might be the only one here who doesn’t appreciate someone harassing a family (especially with lil’ ones) walking by the street with a quad even if it is a micro… Don’t get me wrong I am in love with FPV and I do it whenever I can but I believe it has it’s place and it is definitely not near people, animals or cars etc…. not cool
I’d love that sq12 if you haven’t picked someone
Wow! How fun!good things come in small packages! Love your videos Zoe! Awesome Sauce!
internal dvr is prob better
First time watching your video???? Your flying skills ??????. Sub’d