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Mini Mamba mini quadcopter review (part 1)17:27

A 250 class mini quadcopter that breaks the mold and offers some unique features, the Mini Mamba is a very interesting option for those wanting to do a bit of FPV racing.

– Quadrasteria’s attitude to improving the product
– tough (like most miniquads)
– fast, even with 0-degree motor angles
– can take 6-inch props (or bigger)
– lots of room onboard
– easy to modify/alter
– almost no physical limit on battery dimensions

– camera arrangements not well thought out
– landing gear could be improved (but better than the ZMR)

The Mini Mamba could be improved in a couple of areas but is basically a fun miniquad with a good turn of speed and *lots* of potential. If you like to try stuff out and want something different then the basic performance combined with Quadrasteria’s very positive attitude to improving the design based on feedback make this a worthwhile purchase.

    1. Esa Edvik
    2. Adam Wilkinson
    3. Hoverbot1TV
    4. ian smith
    5. MrAllioupe
    6. Rob B
    7. MrAllioupe
    8. benjahnz
    9. lasersbee
    10. Winston Smith
    11. Robt Conrad
    12. William Ball
    13. TradCatBat
    14. obese1konobe
    15. David Clark
    16. Chile Vuela
    17. turdsurfer
    18. rc FLYER
    19. tiiams
    20. shannon newman
    21. Johan Jonker
    22. nusuns
    23. B4dlands
    24. eX750F
    25. Sean Coyne
    26. B Fun (EnjoyItBIG)
    27. Rotceh
    28. Arjan Harre
    29. Matheus PereS
    30. Sean Coyne
    31. naim kucuk
    32. Stambo
    33. Andreo Torou
    34. John F Hendry
    35. Sam Sami
    36. michael lee
    37. tungruffel

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