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Nationals 2019 finals03:32

What an insane 4 days of constant racing at our South African Drone Racing Nationals 2019. Many of South Africas top pilots came to battle it out with some serious competition and all in all we had a blast !

I managed to take 2nd place overall and 3rd place for freestyle. abit of a juggle using my racing setup for freestyle but glad i managed to use one setup for the entire event ! Well done to the rest of the South African National Team for placing in your top spots.

Thanks to SAMAA and FLYFPVSA for an awesome event, and to my sponsors FridayFPV and RC-Edge for keeping me in the air. Also a huge shout out to the following sponsors for sponsoring prizes, Tattu, Gemfan, Caddx, Rush, FlyingRobot and Rc-Edge.

1st Place – Devon Barnett (@HolyHavok)
2nd Place – Ruivan Branco (@Rui_fpv)
3rd Place – Jadon Churchman (@Farmlife_fpv)
4th Place – Luke Bakke (@Upstart_fpv)

-FridayFPV Yeti
-Tmotor F60 pro ||| 2500kv (4S, 5S motor)
-Gemfan Hurricane 51499/Tmotor 5150
-Tattu 1800 v3
-FlightOne Millivolt V2 osd SIMMODE (BEST FIRMWARE)
-FlightOne Spark 32
-Foxeer Predator V3 micro
-TBS Unify Pro-Race VTX
-TBS Crossfire Nano
-Fatshark HDO, Laforge


    1. FarmLife FPV
    2. Jacques Albrech
    3. Griffus FPV
    4. Jurie Van Loggerenberg

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