Thrilling Fast FPV Proximity flights and a Rugged Bulletproof frame, this is what OFM Hyper 330 FPV Pod racing Quadcopter is going to offer you and much more. When it comes to FPV racing, and pod racing you need a Quadcopters that will zoom around track with jaw dropping speeds, cut sharp corners with clear precision, shoot out with perfect and instant speed, offer instant air brakes, a Quadcopter that is super agile, and totally rugged and bulletproof, a Quadcopter that is easier to carry and store, A Quadcopter that is not going to look like an ugly experiment in the air. If you want all this, then look no more. OFM Hyper 330 FPV Pod Racing Quadcopter is specially designed by professional FPV racing pilot, well tested (constantly undergoing hardcore flight testing) and well equipped with ultimate power combo that will give you a winner on the FPV Pod racing track. No matter it’s an open field, a forest Pod Racing Track, or a competition FPV obstacle course Pod racing Track, OFM Hyper 330 is designed to cope with all kinds of racing tracks and flying styles. In general, OFM Hyper 330 is designed to win and leave every other copter behind on the track.
Hyper 330 features a very unique frame with a unique DMT (Dynamic Motor Tilting) capabilities never seen in any of the FPV Racing quads before. What makes Hyper 330 a winner on the track? Let us enlighten you all
• Carefully thought out beautiful new frame design with Clean and dirty sections. Do not worry about those lousy vibrations anymore. Jello Free video, Clear FPV View and Vibration free Flight controller installation.
• Well thought out frame design for easy access to install or work on your Power distribution, Speed controllers and Flight controller installation
• Folding and easy replaceable arms with DMT (Dynamic Motor tilting) Mechanism. Fits in your back pack. Hey wait a minute, it will come with a back pack too.
• DMT (Dynamic Motor Tilting) with your elevator controls offers instant high speed shoot out and solid Air braking to dodge that fast moving tree that has always slapped you down.
• DMT (Dynamic Motor Tilting) offering instant and clear cornering. You can clear sharpest corners easily with tight solid turns that will surely leave your competitors behind on the track.
• DMT gives you more forward view without tilting your camera up, without having to tilt your whole quad forward at steep angles. When motors tilt, you get instant speed with little tilting and you retain much more forward view at higher speeds. Comparatively at same speeds, other pilots will be looking at grounds only and getting slapped by them trees, while OFM Hyper 330 pilot will dodge everything with a beautiful precision due to better forward views.
• Sleek, and aerodynamic Canopy for those sexy looks to make your Quad stand out in the crowd and to give you additional speed by reducing the drag during flight.
• Modular design high quality Metal and carbon fiber components
• Stick and fly FPV Module that you can stick to two different places on Canopy. Rear section to see your quad center and front in the view for beginner’s pilots to keep their orientation during FPV flight and front mounting section for clear FPV view without any obstructions for advanced Pilots.
• GoPro ready, a special GoPro 4 mount under that sleek and sexy canopy so you will never disturb your aerodynamics during flight due to GoPro Brick shape.
• And Much more.
Enjoy this Hardcore testing video of finished version of OFM Hyper 330 Quadcopter and stay tuned for more detailed videos. Get your beloved cash ready because pre orders are starting soon and we will have only 50 of these Super Pod Racers OFM Hyper 330 made for first 50 lucky pilots to own these beasts.
More details and updates will be posted here, so be sure to bookmark this page
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Production music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Other Royalty Free Music by
Comments and feedback welcome at , and
This quad looks so cool!
Congrats on getting her in the air Ali! Good work. Video is vibration free
Thank You for sharing your video, the quad you built is the coolest quad I
have ever seen. I am just getting into quads my self, I love watching the
videos of people how build these unbelievable machines. The power and
grace is so cool, the filming is so cool. Perhaps in a couple of years I
will have the skills to build a quad as cool as yours. Once again thank
wow ….cool man ….cheers
i was thinking looking at the fuselage would it be better if it was upside
down for airlift? i mean looks like its design after a car but the fuselage
is design to push car down i mean at speed you made this for would it be
better to make it upside down? to save battery life and better straight
angle attack speed?
+TheHawaiianc so far Fuselage is being designed for forward flight and is
will think of this and try to
not causing any difference, but offering much more speed. But yes you are
right. we should look at designing something that will keep quad leveled,
and generate some lift so motors work less
produce some canopies for testing maybe.
wasup man ,luv ur videos keep it up ! ,one day im gonna buy this beast lol
, is it possible to do black flips with it ?
+moose GeeSokaLife what are black flips? this one coming soon. get your
cash ready
+alishanmao sorry meant to say back&forward flips.
+moose GeeSokaLife Backward, forward, left right flips are not an issue
cool thanks man
Woah! Forward and backward motor tilt adjustment on elevator input… wow!
First time I have seen that… should solve many problems!
Look like a flying loaf of bread. This must handle verry sharp. What
happens if you set the front motors on a slightly differant angle to the
rear . dose it give the quad front wheel drive ?. LOL. What I mean is how
will it change the handling ? , Like when you change the power distrabution
on a RC 4WD to more FWD and the rear end hanges loose.
+FPVX Wait a minute. I think you got a point there. Instead of thinking to
for a custom firmware to handle tilt in Flight controllers or mixing in
Flight controller, I think you are right. It will surely create some
interesting results. For instanceWhen motors tilt forward, they generate
forward and upward thrust. while rear motors speed up in tradition to tilt
the copter to go forward as if its traditional copter. But with tilted
motors Quad dives down on forward punch.
If we tilt rear motors more and front motors less, this will solve the dive
issue and give us more punch for forward i believe as rear motors will
produce more forward thrust due to more titling angle and front motors will
produce more upward thrust due to less tilting and quad will go faster on
forward inputs without diving or putting nose down.
Hmmm, why i did not think of that before. Thanks man. this is so much worth
a try and Next test flight, I am so much gonna do it
Tilt arm is trending. Nice setup. I want to get my hands on one ASAP! Need
to see it compete.
+OC_AirWolf coming soon
Were you able to address the issues with tilt and different fight modes?
+OC_AirWolf I will do a video. An honest one telling what i have found out
so far regarding Tilting motors and different flight modes. let me do one
more testing with Naze32. So far all testing done with CC3D and CC3D can
behave different at times. After testing with Naze 32, then I can see if
those issues are really issues or just related to CC3D.
lol i luv this quad this was my idea a long time ago nice to see it in
If you are using rotary servos then gears stripping would be a serious
problem in crashes.
is there 1 servo or one of each arm?
+DA_ASIAN_AUSTRALIAN! 1 servo for whole unit. we are using very expensive
metal gear 360 degree servo but still having issues of getting slight play
in servo (no stripping gears) that play does not actually affect too much
but on hardcore flying it can affect. so we are moving to bigger stronger
and better servos. I bet the servo is going to be a very expensive part of
this Frame kit
or maybe we can introduce an Arm Locking mechanism and leave the DMT enable
disable option using a servo that users can buy at their own expense.
Maybe when I am older I will be able to afford something like that. :L
Mala……Is it possible to make it to x8?
And how far can this bad boy go?
Cant wait to buy one soon
This thing is a dragster, love it!
Bon vol et belle vidéo, mais trés mauvaise ville pour les poumons …..trop
de pollution.
Good flight et nice vidéo ……..
But bad city for lungs….Too many clouds pollute
Bought one of those Yi cameras only disappointed their android app would
not install onLGE Nexus 4. Not much good to me now unless I get a new phone
and even then which phones will work?
Looks like it tilts more than average?
yup thus better speed
Asa lama lakem (spelling?) and nǐ hǎo to you as well +alishanmao
I am not muslim or arabic, I hope that does not offend.
This quad is insane in the membrane.
maybe you can design something with little winglets on the fuselage for
lift during forward flight so you can tilt the rotors even more
aggressively forward.
kinda like a v22 osprey
Very nice brother WALAIQUM ASSALAM
That DTM is something else. I like the view when your flying forward. Less
camera tilt it needed. I have to put my FPV camera pointing 20 degrees up.
It great for fast flights, but I have a hard time flying slow and landing
true. landing or flying slow, you just look up, if you tilt the camera.
with tilting, arms, you just mount cams straight and you have plenty of
Cool concept. Was wondering why there hasn’t been a quad like it. I just
put together one with a foam board frame I made. But when I plug in the
battery I dont get any tones from speed controllers
Hyper 330 FPV
Hola Ali.
Te traería para Buenos Aires para que les des unas calces jajajajaja A los
del club .
Te mando un saludo muy grande ..
Lost my mini H zmr250 today due to sunglare. Utterly devastated. Saw it
flying away and could do nothing, made my first flight test video 2 days
ago was going to capture and upload many clips. For a beginner like me it’s
Minis do not fly away, FlyAway is the characteristics of DJI Multirotors
only, lol, were you using a DJI Flight controller?
No bro, kk2.1.5, it was gaining altitude and drifting backwards, i punched
forward and nothing happened
Nice quad Ali,I see the quad still tilts forward when you take off,does it
level it self off during flight,a slomo of that would be good and what
about flips,is it still easy to flip it with the motors tilting
i had the DMT mixing off on Take off I think. else it won’t tilt too much.
and during testing by flying by eye sight (Not FPV) i had to do all kind of
testing at max angles to see how flight controller and the design is
holding up to those angles. but as you can see from FPV footage, on long
straight passes, you have less tilt angle on frame, more clear forward view
and more speed
What Flight controller is this running and have you made any changes to it
to tilt the motors when moving forward at speed ?
No changes made. we use CC3D and Naze32 for testing. Naze32 is showing
better results.
+alishanmao So you manually assign the tilting to a channel or mix the
tilting from pitch ?
+mPky1 tilting is mixed with elevator channel
So tilting the motors means you don’t have to tilt the quadcopter as far
forward when travelling forward, so you have much less drag. Is that right?
Channel Elevator is mixed with Flight controller forward and DMT. motor
tilting. you can turn the DMT (motor tilting) on or off using a switch so
you can fly traditional way or you can use DMT to get additional speed at
lower tilting angles to keep forward view clear, to do sharp cornering. DMT
is very effecting for
fast straight speedy cruising, more speed less tilting. the longer the
straight passage / pass is, the more speed at less tilting angles of frame
you can get.
Sharp cornering
instant speed and instant air braking.
these above are the key to winning races
The way it tilts forward thus giving you more speed as you put it is
contradictory to the statement you made about your new DMT sytem where you
state there is LESS tilt keeping the camera more level for a better camera
view? Could you clarify this for us? Is the elevator channel still active
or is it now dedicated to the DMT sytem? It’s really unclear because of
your written explanation vs. the video where the quad is on an extreme
tilt. Thanks in advance.
Channel Elevator is mixed with Flight controller forward and DMT. motor
tilting. you can turn the DMT (motor tilting) on or off using a switch so
you can fly traditional way or you can use DMT to get additional speed at
lower tilting angles to keep forward view clear, to do sharp cornering. DMT
is very effecting for
fast straight speedy cruising, more speed less tilting. the longer the
straight passage / pass is, the more speed at less tilting angles of frame
you can get.
Sharp cornering
instant speed and instant air braking.
these above are the key to winning races
Do you have Shirts for sale?
+Ryan McDougall yup coming soon next month
+alishanmao Nice can’t wait to buy one
When can we buy this?
+Alex Cecchele just a little more patience, we want to test everything and
make sure this thing is flawless before we release it. but we are getting
very close to release it
Please make sure this can be sold to Australia
+Alex Cecchele For sure, we are welcoming Dealers from Australia. anyone
can be a dealer if they want. Level 1 Dealership needs to order 20pcs ARF
Kits and Spares and become our Level 1 dealer
How much will it cost? I’m looking to get into FPV. Figures please.
+OllieTheCat2012 please bookmark our site page. we will release the pricing
It’s greit!!!
What is the name of the music in the second part of the film?
I have seen in another Your film some cam+google set for stering Yours
Quadrocopter, what is that?
Is it possible to put collective pitch.. just like the sting Ray quad. Your
version is better