This location is on my list for some time now! Finally I had my KK2 copter converted to use LRS and 2.4Ghz video to have nice range. I needed around 1km here and 800m height difference to the peak! The speedy downhill dive works best on this kk2 setup – the discovery isn’t as well set up in manual mode. And I rather risk the cheaper kk2 one.
I didn’t stick to the shape of the downhill landscape as tight as I planned – but while flying your more nervous than you think…
Der Mittagsstein ist schon länger auf meiner Wunschliste. Ein paar mal hab ich ihn schon mit Fliegern besucht, aber dann immer nur kurz. Hier konnte ich mal direkt vom Fuße des eindrucksvollen Felsen starten und ca. 800 Höhenmeter überwinden. Dann kam ein schneller Sturzflug – nicht ganz so knapp an den Konturen des Bergs entlang wie ich es vielleicht wollte – aber während des Fliegens ist man immer etwas nervöser als man denkt
Der KK2 eignet sich besser als Sturz- und Actionflieger als der Discovery, weil mein KK2 besser manuell zu fliegen ist, als das Naza.
LINK to webcam:
COPTER: (KK2.0 PowerQuad)
Vibration dampening GEL BLOCK:
►► SETUP Video english:
SETUP Video deutsch:
Kevin McLeod – Movement Proposition (Intro)
(Justice – New Lands)
Congratulations on a great achievement!
Wow I’m speechless! I hope that my Tricoper with FPV arrives soon.
Hello, great videos, always nice to watch and learn from you. I have a F450
QUAD and been flying all over the sky but when I want to do a dive I am
afraid of bringing the throttle to low as I heard that if it goes to 10% or
less it will cut off. I was just wondering as to when you do your steep
dives how low you take your throttle and if you have ever had a cut out in
flight, or does the NAZA kwow it is in motion and not cut off, any help be
great, happy summer flying, Many thanks Ivan.
hi Ivan, my dives were done all with KK2 board. I have one safety for not
cutting off throttle in air: I program a motor switch. if it’s off the
throttle doesn’t do anything on the ground (no unintended powerup). once I
startet multicopter I switch motor switch up: this limits the low throttle
to 11% or so – so even if I accidently use 0Throttle and rudder all left
(which normally cuts of motor) it doesnt. hope you know what I mean…
for naza and dives: I converted my powerquad from this video here from kk2
to naza lite. first flights in manual mode were stable and promising – I’ll
see how good it will perform. I prefer naza over kk2 because it could RTH
on failsafe…
Hi YTschim, Thank you for this information, I see what you mean and will
look into doing this as well. You are so lucky to have a wonderful
playground of hills and valleys to fly in, here in the UK you have to take
care where to fly as the law does not permit you to fly over private areas,
so I have to go for long walks, fly and run, lol It looks like you have
more freedom and a relaxed place to enjoy, keep up the vids and I will
speak again soon, all the best, Ivan.
Why so much of the horrible factory and sewerage works and not the mountain
I started down next to this factory. plus friends of mine used to work
there so it’s interesting for them. And: I spent much of my battery power
to get up there, then it’s windy around the peak so you get nervous and
instantly want to come back safe… afterwards, when watching the vid I
wished that I would have more hover around the peaks cross material…
” you get nervous and instantly want to come back safe…” Fair enough –
take some “Dutch courage” next time!
nice nice!
OUTSTANDING! – AMAZING – INCREDIBLE! – …to put this is perspective for
you?…….put simply, – YOU are a QUAD-GOD! I MUST have all the details of
your setup! (the only changes for me would be that I must use a 2.4 radio &
a 1 watt 1.3Ghz video transmitter – but apart from that… YOUR set up is
ASTOUNDING! – what IS it all? – WOW!!!
Thanks. It sure looks better on the video than it really was. But it was a
nice adventure and I was happy to land safe after those flights. Please
check the equipment link in description – you should find everything
Very nice!
Can you please contact me for some serious inquiries! Thanks ! very kindly.
Extreme Tech Enterprises and Outdoor Testing. dot crazylarry dot ca
Nice video. And it’s nice to see that you post your setup.To many guys
ignore questions about what gear they use as if it is some kind of trade
secret or something.
Another great Video, I’m amazed that some feel you need dutch courage they
obiously have less to lose or more money than some of us. Keep up the good
Beeindruckendes Video. Viel Power und viel Action. Der Flug von 800 auf 500
Meter hat mir am besten gefallen.
Klasse, danach hatte ich gesucht und nicht mehr gefunden. Der Tag ist schön
What’s it like flying and not relying on your eye sight to fly? Like,
flying using the camera to see what you physically can’t see?
first it’s frightening maybe. but today you have a lot of help (GPS
position hold, stabilizers…) but if you’re used to it, you can fly far
more save than I could by flying on sight. I’m really bad piloting on
sight. with a small quad I can only fly 10-20m away and then I already get
confused about the direction / orientation. So for me flying with the FPV
goggles always was easier!
Big pair or big setup…..likely both :)
hello friend your quadcopter is really a great,i just want to know that how
to make it and what all parts ,making budget u need to make it and am
belong to a low class family so just am requesting that if u have any spare
part of your quadcopter then can u please give me.Thank You
what kind of camera are you using here? Nice vid by the way.
thanks, it’s my older Gopro2. I used the 1280×960 mode here to have 4:3
mode filling my whole fatshark image. Also this gives you the ability to
move up / down a little in video editing software if you render your video
to 16:9 framesize (1280×720)…
Very nice. I am just looking at getting into this and I am amazed of what
some of you guys are doing with these things. I will be starting out with
the 40$ toy first and then move up gradually. Thanks for all your hard work
editing i really enjoyed the flight.
geilio! lg Flo
So cool, :o) makes me want to start up my Marklin Z scale habit again but
noooooo! I can’t afford both. I scupted & cast Z scale vehicles for a few
years. Nice drop down the mountain.
if u don’t mind what are your kk pi gain and limit settings?….yr videos
are great btw…
please follow the link in the description here, but dont just copy my
settings, use the link to the tuning guide on RCGroups – it’s not much work
and will be better – because unless you use the exact same components, your
quad will be different!
Hi Schim!
Do you use EazyUHF?
Hi, I use Thomas Scherrer uhf.
Hi, how many Mah were you using?
nice video
2148mah out of a 3cell (3600mah turnigy)
flew 5min:22sek there (just looked up my flightlog
OK, thanks, just built a kk2 quad and was wondering because you traveled so
Hi, what kind of landing skids (not the foam) were you using ?
Very nice channel.
I took the skids from a Thunder Tiger Mini Titan e325.
Maybe it’s still available as replacement part. But you can take any
“normal” RC Helis skids in that 400 size I guess…
Hi RCchim, you good pilot dude, nice video by the way. Can we talk
fantastic video. really good. i’m looking to try to do similar FPV with my
armattan CF258. it’s early days yet. i’m still working working on better
piloting skills before I put my new FPV kit on! battery life is a big one
for me. the quad must turn the fans quite hard to put in 800 meters
vertical. i’ll need to see how long mine will fly climbing like that before
the battery dies. it has 1800 kv motors with 7 inch props. video like that
is really inspiring..
Absolut genial, wie die meisten deiner Videos! Wir wünschten wir hätten
auch solch eine tolle Berglandschaft hier in Ostfriesland. Aber die Deiche
sind die einzig sichtbaren Erhebungen hier :-(
Hey mr schim, whats your current draw (amps) on this quad? What would you
say if a quad the same size as yours could fly using only 6 amps?
+paulkazjack this one here was very inefficient. But 6amps sounds very
good. newer quads now are very lightweight, low kv motors, huge props and
6S batteries. but than again this little f450 was so much fun (even if it
was only 5mins of flighttime)
nice great flight
check out my
Hallo Herr Schim, ich habe schon viele Videos von Dir gesehen, aber hier
vermisse ich das was als highspeed bezeichnet wird, oder es kommt einfach
nicht so rüber. Trotzdem sehr schöne Aufnahme. Ich kenne mich noch nicht
mit lang range aus. Man braucht wohl uhf und 2,4Ghz. Aber wie sieht so ein
Setup aus? Wenn du ein deutsches oder auch englisches tut – Video hast,
bitte ich um den Link.
Weiter so, es inspiriert mich total. Wahnsinn Erlebnis, und das nur durchs
zuschauen. Vielen Dank
hi, stimmt vielleicht – selbst der Sturzflug hier ist bei dem Quad noch
relativ langsam (ca. 100kmh?). Bzw. heute gibts viele Miniracing Quads
welche in 10cm Höhe mit 50kmh fliegen – das wirkt deutlich schneller
Ich glaub Du hast schon andere Videos von mir gefunden – schau auch einfach
mal in meinen Hangar – dort gibts unter Equipment viele Infos…
Grundsätzlich genügt für den Anfang auch 2.4ghz Steuerung und 5.8ghz Video
um auf ca. 1-2km Reichweite zu kommen…
+RCSchim ja, habe schon einiges gesehen, einfach traumhaft.
Ja 2,4 Radio und 5,8 Video besitze ich bei meinen 2300KV 250er Quad-X. Bin
jedoch noch am üben und traue m8ch noch nicht weit genug weg, trotz
programmierten failsafe
Saw this again now.. long time ago I saw this first time .. But its a
really nice video and the dive feels like skydiving with a flying squirrel
suit.. Looks so fun and great! =D
could be faster – but speed with multicopters on dives isnt easy to

achieve. I wanna do some more diving this year.
Check out my multicopter dives playlist – I had some other nice mountains
+RCSchim Well it could be faster, but I believe that if you want speed you
hehe.. Will
should go with a plane or perhaps flying wing. The speed from the quad is
just perfect I think, I’m not used to flying those (yet) so for me it will
be superslow when I build one in the next couple of weeks
check out the playlist!