RC Sunday Streamer FPV | Goodbye Prometheus13:33

Cold, still air is great for flying. The Prometheus has crashed and is a total airframe loss. The in flight loss of the canopy may have contributed to an unrecoverable spin. When part of your plane falls off, it is a good idea to land right away.


    1. Paul Riggs
    2. bepowerification
    3. Mat K
    4. FGDude
    5. Daryl RC
    6. Elliott DeHollander
    7. Nerdsteve01
    8. General Hobbies
    9. Retired Still riding
    10. flilabrc
    11. charliechimples
    12. Ray Preble
    13. Mikey mike
    14. BlackPixxelDE
    15. RcNickster
    16. Kyosanym
    17. Simon Roberts
    18. Digital Wolf FPV

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