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Review: Jumper X68T FPV micro-drone, perfect for indoor flying09:03

Fantastic fun when the weather makes flying outside impossible, this little micro-drone is super-simple to get going and super-fun to fly.

– pretty good value, given the low price of the RTF version
– an excellent FPV camera has great light handling
– very easy to fly
– easy to bind to the T8SG radio or can be bad RTF with its own tx
– battery recharges pretty quickly using supplied USB charger
– impressive range when flown outdoors (200m+)

– brushed motors may need replacing after a few hours of flying
– no way to tune the FC and it’s pretty “tame” by default
– scares cats

This product was provided for review purposes by HobbyPorter:


It can be bought from a range of online sites including Gearbest (RTF version):


    1. CradyLab
    2. Liithiumbob
    3. Laurence235
    4. George Georgiev
    5. Don Johnson
    6. Clynikal
    7. norman hayes
    8. Don Wood
    9. EC White
    10. Mark M
    11. Leon Matthews
    12. best sales
    13. Todd Salpen
    14. revb0
    15. slyplaymike1
    16. Barry Cole
    17. Daniel Garrow
    18. Daniel Garrow

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