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Runcam Split Min V2 | HD Video For Your Micro Quad16:55

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The Runcam Split Mini V2 makes HD recording for your micro quad more accessible than ever. The Split Mini V1 had two separate boards which made it much harder to fit into your micro quad’s stack. The V2 pares down to a single board. But how is the image quality? (Pretty good actually.) How is the durability? (Not bad actually.) See for yourself!


Support me! Make any purchase (not just the linked product) after clicking one of the below affiliate links.

Purchase the Split Mini V2 at:
* Banggood – http://bit.ly/2CKMkDV
* GetFPV – http://bit.ly/2SoATHq
* RaceDayQuads – http://bit.ly/2CJ9s5R
* ReadyMadeRC – http://bit.ly/2CMmZJM
* Amazon – https://amzn.to/2CJa0sr

Silicone Conformal Coating to protect the Split’s metal cover from shorting out: https://amzn.to/2yBVYWN

Paint-on electrical tape: https://amzn.to/2qdByyF

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Most or all links above are affiliate links, and I will receive compensation if you use them.

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    4. UnboxMind HD
    5. Cory
    6. kain0m
    7. firebird123
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    11. TomicaCZ
    12. Small Hauler FPV
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