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Saving My Drone | Home Quarantine Vlog03:19

Today was a beautiful day in the island of Bohol. After a good morning walk I decided to take a look around with my drone. I messed up the landing but I could manage to save the drone. ….yes, I know. I need to finish this quarantine as soon as possible!

Camera: GoPro Hero 7 Black
Drone: DJI Mini Mavic
Edited on: Sony Vegas
Music from EPIDEMIC SOUND: https://bit.ly/39buNU2 —FREE TRIAL—
INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/38icZYk
FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/35gitkd

for business inquires: polrigotti@gmail.com

How this 2021 is going so far:
2000 subscribers – January 4
5000 subscribers – January 20
7000 subscribers – February 5

#Drone #DroneAccident #QuarantineVlog

    1. marz good
    2. Anna Balani
    3. Denese Felea Alincastre
    4. Maria Reitinger
    5. Sher Pencil The Artist
    6. Rina Melendrez
    7. Rod Strato
    8. SSJ G
    9. Audi A5
    10. Malila Nunez
    11. Paolo Torres
    12. Mariam Canton
    13. Ma.Ailene Gamboa
    14. Island Girl
    15. H Jon
    16. H Jon
    17. Linda Faber
    18. Jessiron Cloma

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