Scarlett with some incredible cheese against Rogue in the Starcraft 2 GSL 2020, watch the tournament at:
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StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void is a standalone expansion pack to the military science fiction real-time strategy game StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty, and the third part of the StarCraft 2 trilogy developed by Blizzard Entertainment. On this channel you will find Starcraft funny moments, micro, highlights, plays and a lot more! starcraft 2 vods
i have never seen scarlett win macro against a korean gsl player. congrats to her though
It’s so good to see you post again. These games and game NEVER gets old. Something you can always watch.
i haven’t watched starcraft for a min but all i see are now are cheese strats lol is that what happened to the game? i saw barracks flying into base, cannon rush, this weird 5 drone and rush pool strat lol.
I thought the title was lying to me when Scarlett didn’t pull drones… Little did I know this 6 minute video was actually the entire bo3 series.
Noregret truly is a picasso of cheddar
2 cheese in a row
As a Zerg player I’m proud…DAMN those plays were Sexy. Scarlett is awesome!
The Zerg in me is literally Laughing its Ass off
this is so dirty !!! xD
Rouge is such a noob
Scarlett is a dude.
Rogue became the funnies player in this season…loooool….
Need a shower after watching this oh my word.
Rogue looks traumatized.
Look at how she massacred my boy
a women beat an asian, thats like…godess
starcraft 2 in 2020 still amazing
Это баба чтоли?
Imagine practicing at your team house for 3 months for this tournament, only to be eliminated in 6 minutes by 12 drones and 15 zerglings across 2 games..
only games Koreans are good at blizzard games. they cant play Counter Strike…one of the best games ever….they re garbage in Counter Strike. so stick with blizzard games.
Rouge sucks.
This had to be posted on YouTube because pornhub doesn’t allow rape.
That dude played really well with those rushes. Well played. Especially the second round.
Being rushed twice sucks mostly because both are zergs lol
азазаз затрапили
scarlett family tree ……. LGBT
the amount of disrespect
Imagine going over to shake your opponent’s hand after cheesing them out of a tournament.
I guess that im in love with Scarlett
oooof… Well if anything it shows that you have to be prepared for anything. I bet he will go through some rush defense practise vs his training partners after this just to keep that from ever happening again. Things like this could scar a player for years.
No macro-game for me ? #cheesisserved
such a gay move
that blue zerg dude sucks
I wish I saw this live…
welp, rogue knows what to put into his practice routine now lol. RUSHES
Not gonna lie, this Scarlett guy’s plays are sick to watch. Really good cheese and honestly I have no interest in playing SC2 myself.
my stomach is turning. jesus chrsit. GJ Scarlett
takes some balls to do that.
Scarlett is so toxic!
Is that a girl
And that’s one of the best players? I could have lost to that and I’m not even playing the game
destroying peoples base and will to play
Bad players: Cheese
Good players: Timings and all-ins, reactive problem solving
Great players: God like micro-macro, encyclopedic scenario adaptation, big bag of tricks
Best players: Cheese
Damn, scarlett is a teethgrinder 0:15
Pros getting cheesed will forever be funny to me, like nobody not even the best players are safe
Even afflicted by mental illness, still an amazing player.
this thing will never pass
not gonna lie…kinda felt bad for rogue xD
Now I see where that idiotic speedling rush in the first game came from. That zergs been doing to me and usually don’t work. Since it hits just before my bane nest finishes.
The drone pull from second game I never beat.