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Sebring Drone Race – Intense Heats || RaceBotFPV03:13

These are my last two heats at the Sebring drone race in Sebring Florida. Ended up in 18th place out of the 105 pilots that attended. Had a great time meeting and racing against some of the best pilots, can’t wait for the next big race.

Team Pilot for https://midamericamultirotor.com/
Battery sponsorship from http://www.genstattu.com/
Frame sponsorship from http://www.quadtronix.us/

Radio : FrSky Taranis X9D Plus
Goggles : FatShark Attitude V3
GroundStation : ClearView Race
Frames : Hyperlite Evo HD
Hyperlite SS
Floss V2
MidAmerica MultiRotor Prototype
Motors : Brother Hobby 2206 2450kv Returner R4
Brother Hobby 2207 2500kv R5
Lumenier 2206 2450kv
FPV Cam : RunCam Swift Micro
Piro Flip “Who Cares”
Foxeer Predator Micro
VTX : TBS Unify Pro
ImmersionRC Tramp
ESC : Speedix 30A
Speedix 30A 4in1
Flight Controller : CL Racing F4S
Antennas : TrueRC Axii UFL (RHCP and LHCP)
Lumenier Axii Stubby SMA (RHCP and LHCP)
VAS ion (RHCP and LHCP)
Batteries : Tattu 1550mah 95c R-Line

    1. Josh Waldron
    2. kiddrone
    3. VinnyFPV
    4. Luix Mor

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