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Simulating Pressure in FPV Racing18:48

Today we take to another MultiGP race with Detroit Drone where we do our best to set up a track as close to the Regional Finals track as possible. For today, the goal is to increase the pressure as much as possible to simulate the nerves that you feel while racing in a big race. Stay tuned to find out how it goes!

    1. Mathieu F.
    2. justin Middleton
    3. Double A
    4. Esk race
    5. paulie lie_fpv
    6. tsmspace
    7. MC's Creations
    8. mikeTECH
    9. mikeTECH
    10. Riley Aok
    11. DarkShadowsX5
    12. Jeffx FPV
    13. Vincent Holm
    14. DJ Mayson

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