Today we take to another MultiGP race with Detroit Drone where we do our best to set up a track as close to the Regional Finals track as possible. For today, the goal is to increase the pressure as much as possible to simulate the nerves that you feel while racing in a big race. Stay tuned to find out how it goes!
LOL, talking smack to get into his head. Also good win by 0.05 secs, you almost got caught.
Sweet baby!
You are an inspiration, John E Fly! I love the way you showcase yourself as well as others. Keep bringing track knowledge.
Man,that battle at 8:57 ^^ U go! John E
This is looking really good in front
Keep it cool 
Nice flying man keep it up cheers ?
Beastmode can rip pretty solid but is constantly crashing out,, what are his batteries?
Dude… Amazing flying!!! ?
What I can’t understand is how in hell I have more subscribers than you. It makes no sense to me. ?
Your videos are MUCH better (mine are about diy, nothing much) and my channel is in Portuguese. So, limited a lot.
The dollar racing is a great idea. The final race should be for a battery!
Similar to cash games in disc golf. Makes it more important.
ty for the advice, loved the different camera angles on this video, especially seeing all the quads in a pack from the sidelines. goodluck in Detroit, get it!
you have overlapping audio and its distracting. 5:58
Good luck this weekend!
Yeah.. pressure is pretty hard to deal with imo. Attended to danish drone nationals, and the mindset is crucial in races. What esc are you running those 6s motors on? Looking for the most stable 6s ESC that doesn’t burn out? Nice flying as always!
Thanks for using my music in the video! The track’s called *Somebody To You*