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Smooth race and freestyle today with Baker Boy fpv Mauser06:46

Had a blast today ripping it up with baker boy fpv Mauser at beach park can’t wait to rip again!!!! Like and subscribe for more content let me know what u guys think!!!!!!#TRYDENTget_fpv #getfpv #quaddiction #drones #drone #fpv #fpvracing #droneracing #drl #droneracingleague #amainhobbies #neatoframes #emax #emax_usa #raceflight #rf1 #fpvdroneracer #fpvfreestyle #fpvframe #kernhobbies #trypodquadz #dr_dankfpv

    1. LeninFPV
    2. HomeGrownCanadianFPV
    3. BlackconduitFPV

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