Ey let the OG’$ play ok kids
Go ruin it with your takeovers
Nikola Maodus
I subbed post more vids like these
RatchetHondaracing 22
Nobody else wanted it with the mr2 lolp
Hella fast ???
The part where it cut off with the s-10 is infuriating me
Andy Welch
This is the racing that gets innocent people killed. Fucking idiots
Grinding VaStyle
Love the cars and everything but def a terrible location yall can do better,,someone could have got hurt,yall were racing into oncoming traffic brother,,
we all kno that aint MEXICO LOL !!!
Joshua Hebert
Trailer queens…
Jess Gilliam
The Sesame Street Outlaws. I think they wanted to see if they could do everything wrong and unsafe posibble at that race. Videos like this is the reason why the punishments for gettin caught street racing are getting worse and worse every year.
Meech Tyler
That’s a lot of jersey and Maryland tags down Mexico.
I saw that red caprice wagon at Capitol raceway in Maryland
Pretty sure there are MUCH safer spots to be had in Mexico
Rob Baez
The red Evo was moving before the guy even put his hands up
Ivan Ramirez
That spot with traffic ain’t it chief
JohnnyBoy Biggz
What kind of flagger is that where y’all find that bs at Jesus Christ
Shit not one race was able to stay in their lane .. who the hell wants to run these guys lol Mexico needs to get the roads inorder
This is the kind of shit that ruins it for the rest of us
Chen Evo
Man I HAVE to build me a k series mr2.. they just work so good together
Our First Rc Boat Thanks To AP Toys from Amazon for the opportunity https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07F3SM5VR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
That MR2 was impressive.
Ey let the OG’$ play ok kids
Go ruin it with your takeovers
I subbed post more vids like these
Nobody else wanted it with the mr2 lolp
Hella fast ?
The part where it cut off with the s-10 is infuriating me
This is the racing that gets innocent people killed. Fucking idiots
Love the cars and everything but def a terrible location yall can do better,,someone could have got hurt,yall were racing into oncoming traffic brother,,
we all kno that aint MEXICO LOL !!!
Trailer queens…
The Sesame Street Outlaws. I think they wanted to see if they could do everything wrong and unsafe posibble at that race. Videos like this is the reason why the punishments for gettin caught street racing are getting worse and worse every year.
That’s a lot of jersey and Maryland tags down Mexico.
I saw that red caprice wagon at Capitol raceway in Maryland
Pretty sure there are MUCH safer spots to be had in Mexico
The red Evo was moving before the guy even put his hands up
That spot with traffic ain’t it chief
What kind of flagger is that where y’all find that bs at Jesus Christ
Shit not one race was able to stay in their lane .. who the hell wants to run these guys lol Mexico needs to get the roads inorder
This is the kind of shit that ruins it for the rest of us
Man I HAVE to build me a k series mr2.. they just work so good together
Close to 100K! 2K more is days away! ????????