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The Charlie Show Episode 93 Reedy International Offroad Race of Champions16:09

Sunday Funday at the 2019 Reedy International Offroad Race of Champions at OC/RC Raceway in Huntington Beach CA. Take a tour around OC/RC’s world class facility, check out some racing action, and take in the amazing ambiance of the legendary Reedy Race.

Mike Reedy is perhaps one of the most influential figures in the world of RC, and this race is a tip of the hat to his dream of RC at it’s best. An amazing event, that is on every racers bucket list.

Charlie’s Notes from the event – Visited socal for the Reedy Race at OC/RC, and it was amazing.

OC/RC is a great facility, and socal is lucky to have a sweet track to nerd out at. Reedy Race Format, is the best, by far, 10-1 over anything else.

BT and the crew at Associated put on an amazing event. The extra “cool stuff” the racers all get are super nice touches that add a very personal feel to each years Reedy Race.

RC club racing, and any big event should start offering a “Reedy Race” format class for racers to sign up in. The format can be done with any number of racers, and really highlights what RC car racing is all about.

Was awesome catching up with old friends, and refreshing to see some new racers on the scene.

Stoked to see Tommy take the Win in Open.
Devall looked super dialed and earned his win.
Really happy for Mr. Tebo starting out 2019 on a huge upswing after silly season.

The race showed some health in the industry. Very tight racing pace from the field, and a good spread of all brands doing well. New faces, racing families, and fresh talent.

Spent each day taking in the Reedy race differently. Trying to watch from different spots, chat with different folks, and do a different “task” of sorts. Was great perspective for me on RC racing.

The extreme amounts of passion and and dedication from the racers is impressive to say the least. Makes me wanna go racing again for sure.

From the serious side of things, lots of Hobbywing gear, going real fast in many of the top drivers vehicles.

Awesome to see so much Hobbywing love at the track. Thank you to all the racers that choose Hobbywing to power their passion for racing.

I brought along my camera, shot some clips of the action and walked around a bit to get a “feel” for a super rad Sunday Funday!

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    1. Rowina Lucas
    2. Marc Anthony Marquez

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