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The Most Beautiful Drone Footage from our Trans USA Bike Ride-DJI Mavic Air15:51

This is a compilation of the most beautiful drone shots from our cross country bike ride from Astoria, Oregon to New York City. Drones are amazing these days, the Mavic Air is tiny and weighs nothing. Surprisingly, it was pretty easy to fly while pedaling (I didn’t use the auto follow mode). I had 3 batteries and charged them up every few days. I used the Mavic Pro for my Baja bike ride last year and the Mavic Air is much smaller and tougher.

Here’s a playlist for all the #LoveCycles videos across the USA https://tinyurl.com/ybqme7gb

And here’s a map of our entire route:https://tinyurl.com/y7fs3c9h


**Welcome to DuzerTV** This channel is dedicated to inspiring viewers to get off their couches and explore this beautiful world (or even your backyard). You’ll find videos about biking, running, trekking, traveling, do goodery, and anything that involves being outside and enjoying life. Join #TeamDuzer and let’s have some fun!

Contact: crazyduzer@gmail.com

    1. Ryan Van Duzer
    2. Charlie Cassowary
    3. Ernie Coil
    4. Richard Vaughn
    5. Pathfinder.Gregg
    6. Mark Smith
    7. Robert J
    8. David Smith
    9. Allen McGlew
    10. RRP3168
    11. Lee Walling
    12. Tony Castro
    13. Marta Baena
    14. Göran I Svedala
    15. Thomas Daniel
    16. David Oliver
    17. Shaggy Runner
    18. 8638marc
    19. TheCvele1974
    20. John Wilkes
    21. Douwe Bloot
    22. Andrew Robertson
    23. Khalid Gawer
    24. Go Fly Zone
    25. Walleye
    26. Aaron Kjar
    27. Dale Peto
    28. Target Pace
    29. Marcin Kaszubowski

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