This is a compilation of the most beautiful drone shots from our cross country bike ride from Astoria, Oregon to New York City. Drones are amazing these days, the Mavic Air is tiny and weighs nothing. Surprisingly, it was pretty easy to fly while pedaling (I didn’t use the auto follow mode). I had 3 batteries and charged them up every few days. I used the Mavic Pro for my Baja bike ride last year and the Mavic Air is much smaller and tougher.
Here’s a playlist for all the #LoveCycles videos across the USA
And here’s a map of our entire route:
**Welcome to DuzerTV** This channel is dedicated to inspiring viewers to get off their couches and explore this beautiful world (or even your backyard). You’ll find videos about biking, running, trekking, traveling, do goodery, and anything that involves being outside and enjoying life. Join #TeamDuzer and let’s have some fun!
Hope you like the bird’s eye view of our cross country adventure! Many have asked, and here is the answer. I pedaled and flew the drone at the same time to get the shots of Ali and I riding together…seems really dangerous, but it wasn’t that hard. Maybe I’m the only guy who has ridden cross country with one hand on the bike, and the other on the drone controller
Thanks for watching!
Terrific stuff, Ryan!
Beautiful shots, tranquil background music, masterful editing. So peaceful and relaxing, I think I started dozing a time or two! Great stuff, as usual! Have a phenomenal Christmas and safe trekking in 2019!!
Awesome and inspiring!
Awesome footage Ryan!, You guys found some beautiful roads and trails to ride.
Great footage!!! Do you do any color grading?
Beyond phenomenal, Ryan.
Encore, please.
The drone footage is simply breath taking…. where do I find the beautiful atmospheric piano music that starts at 2.35?
Wow, beautiful scenery, great job. You both are so inspirational, you now have me thinking of fixing across America when I retire. Can you share the route you took?
Tatoally Majestic! Great job Ryan!
It’s a real shame we are limited to giving only one thumbs up per video! You deserve multiple thumbs up……clickclickclick click click click… click…….. click
Ryan: is there a faster way to edit and get great quality video without spendings 10 hours on one Vlog? If so I’m all in buddy.
Great video, thank you very much! I leave you a review of the latest technology for your biking trips I hope you are interested, otherwise, I apologize
Whao!! Vilken underbar film! Mycket härlig att titta på och musiken var mycket passande. Ser framemot nästa drönare film, Göran
Really nice edit on top sweet footage – bravo!
My god, you can sure bring your videos to life. Thanks.
I’m a little biased but the Idaho shots are the best. ? Also I’ve been loving that song you play in your videos and finally found it on Epidemic Sound. Wonders but Ten Towers is awesome!
I lived in the American Midwest for 6 years while in graduate school and this video brings back so many memories of small town America — something that is rarely seen in the media reports. You have shown what a great country the USA is for its natural beauty, but also its human accomplishments, like those massive rail bridges. And you’ve done it all in an unpretentious manner. I haven’t seen any other video that captures cross country biking like you do. People often look to sporting legends for inspiration, but seeing this there’s no reason why a sense of wonder, amazement, naked curiosity and the thrill of not knowing where you are not going to camp after 200km biking shouldn’t be enough. You deserve a prize for this, and I hope you can use your captures from this project to make a movie to enter into the Bicycle Film Festival ()
Stunning footage Ryan. Thank you for doing this and taking us on your trip!!
“Stunning beauty” – Sal
Toff erg mooi!
This is amazing. I can’t believe you did this trek ‘and’ made something so beautiful. I don’t even know how you filmed this. Nothing I can say. You are the Last Dragon.
no words to express my feeling about your sublime video forages . excellent,marvelous, superb, amazing every frame
Wow I really loved the 9:59-10:10 part!
This needs more attention!
Please check out my channel:
Wow very very impressive, isn’t hard to see the screen when it’s very sunny even if you have the brightness all the way up?
Mas videos por favor
Beautiful and inspirational footage.
Amazing views.