THIS is one of the main reasons that governments around the world are seeking to restrict, regulate and (in some cases) ban the private use of drones. The powerful and moving video just posted by TBS showing the conflict between the public and the Chinese government in Hong Kong is the single most important drone video ever made. Not only is the flying excellent but the editing, music and color-grading is superb — all of which combine to make a powerful statement. In my humble opinion,
Link to the video:
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I’m from HK and yeah this is pretty much it, thanks for bringing this up
Thank you xjet ???
Hmmmm interesting, HK legislative council has a new bill coming.
If it comes to effect, flying a whoop in a park would potentially be a felony, you either jump through a few fire rings(reg and insurances) or go rogue.
Finally you have seem the real reason for the drone regulations… ALL of these so-called events across our world are staged ( problem reaction solution ) to implement their agendas, and they do not want you filming then setting up the stage events.. ie S H .. B B .. L 7 7 B . G T .. and there big one the T T’s .. ps can’t spell them out or this will be blocked …
Drones are something seen to be weaponised by the military. I think there is an aspect of trying to keep proprietary designs for greater profit.
I would say, I understand people at home sitting in their garden and don’t want a fotographic drone flying above their property.. But what our leaders doing with our hobby is a shame and it’s just pushing fears that arent real.. Some good rules wouldn’t hurt anyone and also it would not make our hobby more expensive.
Just heard on npr the they will not go forward with this proposal!
Don’t think they would have stopped it if there wasn’t public eyes on what was going on.
I watched the video as soon as you mentioned it. The flying was exceptional and gave a unique perspective of the demonstration which could not have been portrayed any other way.
Sorry but you are way off mark and are now just moving into conspiracy nut territory with this.
While I do not agree with all the rules being imposed and there effectiveness in tackling the problem of irresponsible multi rotor fliers something does need doing.
The main problem is the availability and ease of use by people who are not part of an organised club flying in areas they should not. In the past Rc flying has by and large been conducted by people flying from one fixed area, members of a club and there national organisation so hold some form of third party insurance. Would you be so happy if you or your family where hit by a multi copter that the owner had no insurance to cover any injury or damage to you property.
Good point that and maybe espionage…
might not have killed anyone but a $100 drone has the opportunity to cause major disruption to the aviation industry…and drones are already being used as a terrorist weapon in some parts of the world………… governments have to be seen to be tackling a problem even if they haven’t a what they are doing……anyone for tackling climate change?…………
Yes quads and drones = freedom. And governments hate freedoms. Look at the how even speech is being censored. What more the freedom of showing the whole truth through an eye in the sky. No.. only governments can have that power. Average Joe, he can crawl on the ground and eat tear gas.
Thank u 4 this vid!
All these amazing photos and video of Hong Kong have come from drones!
Bruce check what this guy had to do to be able to fly his DJI Spark in Canada, I had less study to get my drivers licence, and cars kill people Here the link to his video
In russia drones are used to film vast properties and mansions of corrupt officials. They tried banning them few years ago (banning the drones, not corrupt officials :D)
Where was it?
Paris version?
The Government HATES competition. So no drones! Government doesn’t want you spying on them, though they’ll spy your ass up 21 ways to Sunday…
Thank you so much for your statement on this video! I do absolutely agree with your point of view on this topic.
Wo vor kapitalisten system Unterdrucker familie!
Die Steuergesetze, ebenfalls kapitalisten gesellschaften mit alle ihrem Akademischen bildung, Konzerne, alle ihren steuer Hilfe Abteilungen ,Arbeiten für große reichtum mehr als jeder soziale kandidaten, ihrem verband komplizierte bei Kredittestelle, bei zentral banken, bei borse, bei marktwirtschaften, bei Arbeit stellungen, bei der betriebrat, die staatlichen verwaltung und unternehmen setzen innerhalb ihrem trennung von der gesellschaft verschiedenen schwerpunkte, die staatlichen verwaltung können teil der gesellschaft zu gleich
Über ihr stehen! Die Einzelinteressen absehen und Allgemeineintressen ausdrucken als einzelenen Unternehmen! Die komplizierte regelungen und das kapitals die wiederum Bürokratie aufbläht, schlägt sich der versuch nieder, gegensätzliche intresse gegeneinander Abzuwiegen! Die bezihung zwischen vermieten, sind in alle Erscheinungsformen staatlichen reguliert! Mit gesetzen und verordnungen werden mitte vor den geböten Auswüchsen! Die bürokratische regelungen, die Arbeiten menschen erkämpft wurden von staatlichen behörden umgesetzt werden! Behindern die freiheit der Profitmacher insgesamt! Fehlt immer die gleichheiten was menschen brauchen, das wegen in kapitalisten system immer ungleichheiten spielt die rolle wo etwa große Akzenbestzer, große reichtumer, große zentral banken kontrolle übernehmen! Die bürokratische regelungen von kapitalismus, versucht immer die warheit wechseln, jahre lang die Aktivisten, die wichtige politiker, die sozialisten partei, gruppen jahre lang gearbeiten wechseln ihrem tehma und unterdrucken nicht weiter steigen können! Das wegen geben 1000 gränzen jeder verschiedene gesetzen was ist menge geschichten von Wahlschuld!* wen man schuldhaftes verfälschen von Wahlergebnissen* wenn partei intressen Aufarbeiten, von eintauschenden Wahlergebnissen! *Was ist der Wahlmöglichkeiten, das gelaubiger welche leistungen von ihm zu erbringen ist!* was von bezeichnet eine Montageverpflichtung? *Was bedutet zu lässige regelungen in Arbeitsverträgen! Wonach montags keine Geleithage Genommenwerden! Montag keine Gleithage genommen werden dürfen!* was von vertrag bei dem sich der Verkäufer verpflichtet! Den kauf gegenstand auch zu montiren!* welche Trend zu ein tage und Arbeitswoche!* was versteht man unter verträten mussen! Auswerkung pflege not standes- patenten werden über einen längeren zeit raum keine Bettpfanne! Zu qualifizieren! * welche gesetzlichen pausen regelungen für Busfahrer gibt wenn jemand keine ticket kauft aber muss weiter fahren!* wo stehet menge leute, Armut leute, rentner wan wegen niedrige lohn sind da gegen alle kapitalisten reform streiten für eine Rechtverletzungen und finazen unterdrucken alle fehler erwartet! Die soziale Wohngesetz worden immer öffne kapitals zugeschnitten freiheit die verfügung über staatliche gefördern wann sie wollen die mitte höher machen wann sie wollen vermittler lange zeit die wohnungs- bezahlt haben aber alle nicht ihre keredite bezahlen raus bringen, das hat in USA bei Obama regierun zeit ,viele beweise mehr akls 700,000 menschen mehr auf dem straße gebracht genau das ist kapitalisten politik sehe nicht welche familie, kinder frauen auf dem straßen als Abdachlose verlangt! Wir sehen 50 jahre hier über Protionalle Steigerungen Sozialverwaltungen Staatverbrauche insgesamt zählen allgemeinen verwaltung der einkommene aus unselbständiger Arbeit der staatbeschäftigten ,von 1970 bis 1990 der Staatverbraucher hir in west deutschland war um 370% zu Brotto Einlands produkt um 359% die Verwaltungsausgaben soziale sicherungen war mit 681% und die Erholung kultur war 574% die bildung war mit 434% die öffentliche sicherheit war mit 410% die allgemeine verwaltung aber 364% die gesundheit wiesen mit 275% die verteidigung war mit 267% die verkehr nachrechten war mit228% nund investionen bauten war mit 81,6% die staatlichen bundes amt seit jahre 1991 bis 1996- 32,4%, was ist heute vergleichen sie selbst, wie weit menschen familie ; Arbeiter, kinder, Armut leute auserlander geworden, weil keine sichre leben haben! Genau die kapitalisten system hat keine intresse zu wiesen auf welche gründ menschen wenige vertrauen zusammen leben als aleine stehen! Ahmad hesam
Wow, what an absolutely warped sense of reality you have. Whoever was responsible for that careless and reckless flight, putting thousands of people at risk, deserves some serious jail time.
Or maybe the governments are trying to prevent things like this….?
I listened to you go on and on for 6 1/2 minutes AND NO VIDEO! This post was entitled “The most important drone video — ever!” And where’s the video? Cripes man, you could have made your point in one minute. Click bait. Well intentioned, yes, but still click bait.
Thanks for shedding extra light on this….great job from TBS
Agree. Banggood link really made me 🙂
Thank you, I believe there is a lot of truth to this perspective. If you click on the channel icon to the left, you can see a prototype drone that has no moving mechanical parts. It gets very little attention though because the exposure people get on the internet is also censored or controlled by a surprising amount!
Why wait until a fatal accident occurs and kills people? I saw first hand the damage caused by a phantom 4 drone on a Blackhawk helicopter and I can say it was lucky that no one got hurt. The drone pilot was flying beyond line of sight and in restricted airspace. So it’s also the responsibility of everyone to fly safe and not have reckless drone operation.
Bullshit. £1.4 million in losses at Gatwick airport. For one (unproved) sighting
Well said ?
Amazon is paying billions of dollars to the FCC too shut all public drone use down, because they want to deliver packages with their drones. They want no interference.
Stats speak for themselves 0% deaths from multi rotors
*You’re absolute right, Bruce. It’s a matter of restricting civilian surveillance. It’s perfectly acceptable for the government to surveil us, but for us to surveil a tyrannical government is anathema, from their perspective!*
They are hiding our earth!!! There are things they do not want us to see!!! These are ruins they do not want us to see!!
I live in Tenerife and the law stops you flying over the National park because of the things you can see from the air!!
Earth is not a globe!!!!
So “ever” than this is the last vid of a drone thxxx its about time 🙂
The dad of the drones
Quite ironic how the only drones that harm people are the ones operated by the governments.
I have to agree sir . . on it being great . Not being the most important tho . .
Smart words as ever and great vid
I respectfully disagree that this is the primary reason. The video is fantastic and shows a unique point of view, HOWEVER I have seen so much reckless flying in cities, office complexes, in wind farms, power lines. Besides trespassing laws being broken it can easily cause property damage, injury, and at the very least cause fear and a bad perception to our hobby. We are our worst enemy by posting videos that give us a bad name on line.
I’m not sure I agree with everything being said. I live in Canada and have to abide by the rules and regulations surrounding drone use, now that we have official licensing and registrations for our drones that actually make a lot of sense, the laws are not hard to follow ( with a basic license you must stay 30m from bystanders, 5.9kms from airports and 2kms from helipads, that’s it, everywhere else you want to fly is your domain). Everyone in other countries think Canada outright banned the use of recreational drones when the actual laws that are now in effect are far less constricting than you may think
‘It’s illegal’
‘But noone ever died from it’
Yeah, I think I heard that before.
People like you will take away our ability to fly because as soon as someone is killed (almost certainly by an untrained or irresponsible operator) the restrictions will become insufferable. Just because gun laws are wrong doesn’t mean drone laws are.
Thanks Bruce, very important information in this clip. Keep well mate.
good job weighing in here and driving home the point, Bruce. news media want to only give the footage angles they decide. but not anymore now ‘the genie (drone) is out of the bottle’ 🙂
Thanks for promoting this , the government wants cameras everywhere to watch us bout non watching them.
79 year old FAA certified since ’69 single engine: Built and flown Bensen Autogyro BM-8, (4) ultralights, currently owns (2) powered paragliders. Have to kiss ass to fly a DJI spark because there a hospital helo pad 4 miles away in the nearest city of 13,000, a private grass strip same distance, Owner is dead so calling doesn’t work, 2nd grass strip owner also dead for many years. Model aircraft hobby is being destroyed, even a foam board Flite Test airplane can require the owner to be registered with the extra weight of a lipo cell.
Very powerful
I just love powerful speeches
Thank you
Wow good video thank you from BC Canada
Social Progressivism, “it is about regulating (controlling) the population” Stalin ——– Progressivism, “to transfer wealth and power to the state” Karl Marx
wish this community figured this out years ago DRONES are weapons for information gathering ! every G5 meeting & protest should be covered like that !
Amazon Uber want the airspace
being a drone owner i love your vids and the info u give thank for the tym u put in to make the vids and the tym and The effort you put in to get the information to pass to us keep up the good work from England
Thanks for the link, totally agree on all points
To be fair, golfers are waiting to die.It’s what the pastime was invented for.
Something to do while you are awaiting death and are too talentless to think of anything better.
Because flight is a metric of “freedom” and freedom needs to be “regulated”
There is a lot of truth in what you say but the simple truth is that Government is made up of Petty, Venial Bureaucrats who simply can’t stand seeing anyone having a good time and it is their Holy Mission to regulate the Fun out of ANYTHING.
I’m a Libertarian. Don’t believe in government regulations, especially when they’re needless, bordering on unconstrained. This is why I personally choose to ignore the new supposed laws, going about business as usual when it comes to flying.
I’m not a huge fan of trappy but I love TBS what they do and their products.
Great job. Telling the Truth !!!! People should LEARN from you. We all know which people. The Narrow minded ones !!! We all live in a prison world !!!! Wake up people !!!
It’s not governments. Its citizens. Folks dont like drones flying over their heads and homes. Canadians support the laws.
Check this shit out….
Government ruined a perfectly good hobby with regulation. I gave up my $4000 system due to all the required upgrading and regulations. I couldn’t even fly in my backyard in the country without interference of a required software upgrade.
Really? In the US I can buy any drone I want. I may have to legally register it. If over 250 grams. But I only need to take a test, Part 107. If i intend to use it commercially. WalMart, Bestbuy, etcetera just walk in and slap your ducats down.
Drones the eyes the government don’t want us to have