Pilot: Jay Christensen
Director: Anthony Jaska
Producer: Mike Welsh
Producer: Chris Grap
Thanks to our friends at Mall of America!
Category: Quadcoter Videos, Racing
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Awesome! This will be on the Mall of America website front page soon.
I’d love to visit this place
Is this a real place ?
This is amazing!
Whoa that was awesome! So smooth. What kinda Cinewhoop specs?
Did anyone see what I saw?
Who was the sound designer?
Очень круто!
This drone pilot is so good that he can fly a drone with that level of precision inside the building. ?
Wonderful! I do wonder how many people realise the audio track is entirely artificial, though very well put together.
0:45 no screaming as the Spongebob ride plunged?
Whole video was ruined at the end by the mask ???
Очень очень афигенно! ?
i wish to have such cool mall’s in Russia!
looks like an utopia.
operator’s work is incredible, couldn’t imagine how he controls the drone like this.
That was fun, but it’s more a testament to how insane the Mall of America is than anything else.
I came here for the drone maneuvers, but stayed for the dumb people saying dumb things dumbly.
Can’t be real.
I’m curious on the drone/gear that you use for these shots.
WTF is this place?
Sick skills tho
Пилот акибоженька рулит!
Неплохо так снято)
the voice lines are kinda wack, ruined it for me.
Un vídeo espectacular,muy profesional y de los mejores vídeos que e visto sobre fpv,muy muy bueno,me suscribo a tu canal??
Was the BS filmed in the 80’s? That mall as are most, is full of thugs and kids looking to start problems.
It’s unreal, wow!!! Imazing!!! And fantastic???????
Так, кто еще по ссылке с ЯПа здесь оказался?)
awesome. The lines are pretty corny and awkward but the video is sweet !
I wish I could fly (c)
Супер, впечатлило! ???
It’s fine! Great job!
Am I the one thinking of Mario 64 level exposition?
This feels like viewing the world from the cloud guy’s dangling camera. What’s his name again…? Lakitu. (Thanks, Wikipedia. I don’t think I ever knew that…)
It has been about 9 years since I have been in the Mall of America. Thanks for bringing back some memories!
AHHHHH! Jaybyrdfilms to the bowling alley video: ‘hold our beer’
How in the world did you get all that sound?
Damn! Incredible! Which mall is this?
Great Mall of America run! I love this first viral video better. May be its because I know the mall too well.
This was shot in a single take?! Incredible.
So its a just a big mall inside another bigger mall? Look it has two build a bear work shops.
5 years from now, there’s going to be so many stellar pilots who will credit your work as their inspiration to get into fpv. great work as always man.
Amazing video! Well worked with the sound and voice acting
Захватывающее видео.
Респект автору за смелость и мастерство управления дроном.
Ever if all you watch is the first 20 seconds, the way he smoothly follows the rail. Then how he goes through such small spaces. Amazing.
Props to the flight operator
How on Earth do you not have millions of subscribers?
The sound NAILS it! Just takes his skills to world class, beyond
This is really cool man??. By the way where is that amazing mall?
Awesome computer animation, looks very convincing but definitely not real drone footage. Nobody would fly a drone in such close quarters, especially indoors right past peoples heads. That would be a huge potential lawsuit
Epic ! ??
Which drone is he using ?
Can anyone tell us what done was used?
Also what camera / lens?
Im wondering if all the people on the rides etc know off the drone flying before hand?
Super underrated! How do you get access to film the entire mall?
What drone is this?
I’M IN LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know the title of the song in 1:41??
What is the drone used for your videos? Looking to getting one please
Nice shots, but that audio production is amazing! Would be funny if you would put a couple of seconds in the end, with how it really sounds while the drone is flying, like an “out takes” kind of thing
Awww, didn’t dive with the rollercoaster!
Lucid dreaming be like
Absolutely amazing!
You are amazing!
Great stuff!
did you use crossfire and dji air unit for this ? amazing work !
Feeling like I’m flying, So Good ?
Was that a cut to a different camera at 2:06 ish? Great flying and sound design.
Мир не чёрно-белый. Не обязательно быть либо пробивным, либо вот это всё.
Я не назвал бы себя пробивным, но я тоже не люблю, когда люди говорят “смирись”, “потерпи” и так далее. Ради чего? Если это потом окупится, то окей, но просто так — неееее. Когда люди сами лишают себя выбора, я тоже этого не понимаю. Не хочешь ничего менять — так и скажи: “Не хочу”. Но не надо прикрываться этим вот “это невозможно”.
А “другие терпят” — это по мне уже хамство. Какое мне дело, что там другие терпят и вообще делают?
Great video. This is the stuff I aspire for.
Did anyone else notice that all the sound and voices were added in post as you can notice there are no distinct drone rotor noises or air movement, I almost didn’t notice it with all the ambient sounds, it’s like a dream where you’re flying and don’t want to wake up. Excellent work.
Круто получилось!
consommation temple, welcome to the end the known world
100% reminds me of Thrillville on Xbox!
Outstanding !
Now, that’s incredible! Great job.
Coolest video ever. Ever! Thanks, dude!
Jay i have uploaded 3 of your Videos onto my time line and folks are loving them bigtime!!Keep’m comin Jay!!
what drone you use?
What drone are you flying? Custom made fpv?
Amazing video! Im super curious what you use for sfx sounds? Like artlist and more? Also.. how did you do it with the voices? How did you fixed that haha.. greatly done!
Love your videos. It’s like mini vacations.
This looks amazing
Thank you for the excellent video that shows how ridiculous this place is.
Holy Mally
“let’s go bois” hahahaha
I am the only one who finds this video very Aesthetic Kind of a moment frozen in time?
Un poco de todo
this is real
Where is this?
Esto es un poco de todo…. ?
Umm… that was amazing!
As a drone pilot myself, the risks taken by this pilot are incredible – in a positive way. I would have never believed there was so much control at almost at every turn. I found myself questioning the reality of this flight — looking for signs of pseudo-reality – but there were none. I don’t understand how I couldn’t even see the pilot anywhere and how the pilot could have seen where it was going. yes — like all the other comments — this is a truly sensational exhibit of drone capabilities and — more than that – incredible and unbelievable drone piloting skill that belongs in Hollywood. Kudos
that’s a pretty large definition of a mall! Great vid!
what cina whoop did you use squirt, umma 95?
Mind blown! Jedi drone pilot skills. The force is strong with this one.
Vengo de UPDT
can share what fpv drone you using ?
What drone is it?
Is that place real? Its looks like animated in CGI
Location, Country? Very Nice moving. Good job
Any chance of a BTS of this video?
What kind of drone do u use?