This list is comprised from the top 5 most common issues from the feedback of customers
Make sure you watch all they way thru because a few minutes of time now will save you hours and hours of frustration later on plus $ and we all like to save time and money!
Beginner Drone Package (not a toy – A real FPV Drone – just small )
Intro to FPV and FPV Quads
Best Micro – Indoor Drone
1st Race Drone
2nd Quad
3rd Quad
Lipo Alarm
Battery Checker
Thanks for watching, follow the link to our custom configured Race Ready Quads for Beginners.
BIG rookie mistake… and I admit to doing this: my first drone was a toy quad with video. I went flying on a day with a slight breeze… still flyable, but with noticeable sheer. The sheer was enough to send me to the ground… crash. I walked over to the drone, picked it up, made sure everything was undamaged… and proceeded to bump the throttle with my other hand. The blades activated, hitting my finger with the blades. Thankfully, the quad wasn’t a very strong one, at all, so my fingers were fine, but stinging pretty good. So, lesson learned: ALWAYS deactivate your radio before picking up your quad!!! Now, can I get a “DUH!!!!”.
Your 6th tips should be the first rofl
Are ready to fly drones all able to hook up to a fpv headset? Or are there more parts than I need to buy?
I see your combo how to videos and they are great. I have had quads a few years ago when things were new and fresh. In those few years its evolved a lot to things like FPV. My main question other than what build would be cost effective for someone who just wants to zip around is what to look for in terms of power out of the FPV gear. What wattage and such. The guys on tv go through concrete buildings and hallways, I cant imagine what setup gives that power?
nice vid thank you thinking of getting Eachine Wizard X220
why sould i not watch the video??
Than you !!
You left out probably the most valuable tip for noobs. Play on a FPV simulator several hours before flying! This helped me a ton. I got good at flying drones before I ever even owned one.
What would be the extra benefit of having a cell checker when you already bought the beeper thing? It’s doing the exact same thing for a much less cost.
buying cheap mystery wrapped escs biggest waste of money ever
mistake 7 not learning on a simulator first… i’ve flown 5 batteries and rebuilt my quad 5x… learn on a sim first it will save you the money and frustration…
Somehow, I have been able to avoid making any of those mistakes.
It’s not fair. Why does everyone else have all the fun
Hey guys what’s your date for your test and tuned wizard x220s release. And do you sell the lizard95
What gravity?
I knew nothing about the batterys, ty for being so detailed about the care of them!
Not very comprehensive.
To respect the NO Props unless flying if doing something to it NO Props PLEASE!
What type of fpb drone would you recommend to a beginner
hey guys nice informative video. I have a Falcore and would like to add GPS for position hold and RTH can you recommend the components I would need to get this done. If you guys have the items I’d be glad to get them from you. I am new to this hobby but have an engineering background so my short coming right now is not being familiar with these components and configurations. thanks much.
My first mistake was watch this backflip
Thanks guys!!! Watched the video!!
Love the advice, I’ll chek it again once I get my quad, thanks dudes
Thanks for the tips fellas ????
#1 and 2 are becoming more invalid. My FC and software have voltage monitoring and the FC software allows me to set the Buzzer/Led package to beep when my voltage dips below a set point. However, Flying FPV you can’t rely on a beeper….you might not hear it from the craft…sooo an OSD and proper setting there are necessary instead of the doodad alarm you guys are recommending.
Voltage cell checker; I’m using an iSDT smart charger and all I have to do to check the battery is plug the power from the battery into the charger to power it and the plug the cell count into the cell port and it’ll tell me what’s what.
#3 heads up for some new battery tech in the next couple of years. If any components are rated under the battery you are planning on buying then don’t buy and fly it. Simple.
#4? Preflight checks. Yeah, definitely make sure your antenna is attached, BUT this doesn’t mean your craft is ruined if you accidentally turned it on without the antenna attached. Been there. I’ve also powered the craft on without the radio transmitter turned on first and this is also a no no in some circles and according to some manuals. No problems there either(with my config. anyways.) I use reversed props intentionally, but this is optional to anyone these days.
The video channel advice is spot on: I’ve deal with this personally. I had to dig into my FC/video board manual and headset manual to sort this out and make sure they were on the right/same channel.
On the distance point; You advice wasn’t advice. I set my quad on the ground and drove away from it to verify the distance and video feed behavior on the headset to know when I was pushing it with my video system. You didn’t provide anything of value on this topic.
“Hooking up to a pc when you have no idea what you are doing” You should hook it up to a PC and see what’s there on the back end, but don’t make changes until you know what you are doing which comes with experience and research.
Just my 2c, but don’t take my word for it. I’ve only been in the hobby for 6 weeks. lol
I was dumb with my first racer. I had flown many times with my smaller quads (toy grade) but I was not attentive to just how much more powerful it was going to be. I punched it out in the wrong direction and it “flew too far” like your point in the video. I lost it. I had it 8 minutes. This video is invaluable! Anyone who wants into this hobby needs to watch it and heed these guys words. Nothing more painful than watching your brand new JJPRO P175 float away after losing control.
im definitely guilty of #4 lol. i screwed up my wizard 220s the day i got it. luckily someone posted the config json file online and i loaded that up as well as reflashed my ESC.
BUZZER. Always install a buzzer. I’ts not even worth flying if you don’t have one. Ask me how I’ve come to this conclusion.
Thanks for the informative video!
What would be a good quality quad for beginners that comes complete and doesn’t cost too much?? Curious to start flying as a new hobby.
Some great tips there guys thanks!
Mistake #1 Don’t buy a $1500 dji as your first multirotor, start with something like an inductrix fpv. I have 4 multirotors, a 220 LHI, a lumenier qav-xs, an inductrix fpv and an inductrix plus fpv and the 2 inductrix are by far my favorite! Not the best quads for outside but indoors are a blast!
You should also warn people about that “one person” they’ll eventually encounter that trips out on you for “flying too close to they’re kids soccer practice that swears you’re trying to film kids” I wanna throat punch those people so badly, they have no clue that with racing quads from anything over 25 or 30 feet away you can’t even tell someone’s gender in most cases let alone try to “get videos of someone’s kids”. No if you’re hovering by someone bedroom window then yeah, it’s you that needs a kung fu chop in the wind pipe! Respect other people’s property and privacy! The shit heads give us all a bad name
Don’t forget to reverse your props…
Before anyone become any type of noob race droner, they gotta graduate from wal-mart droning academy first. Enter wal-mart, go to the toy section, choose a $20-$30 drone, buy it, and practice it until you destroy the thing, then you can move on to the next level.
In November 2017 I got the quad flew it once then went to update firmware and had trouble spent 4 days and nights to figure out I needed an old specific version of clean flight for my eachine assassin v2 but finally got it working all started cause I wanted to do the 10ch i6 upgrade for my controller. But now it’s been a few months and have since purchased a tiny Indutrix blade for practice and am building my first 3D Zoe fpv inspired quad:)
Thank you for the very informative video
thanks for watching
Fail safe
lmao the eachine 250 racer is trash, yes it is good for new pilots however after a month of flying you will be ready for more speed
Great tips. Just got into the hobby, but decide to start w/ a little brush quad/tiny whoop, what bind and fly quad w/ a flysky reciever do you guys recommend for a begginer like me? Im trying to buy a decent, and durable 4in or 5in, price is not an issue.
Hey thanks for the comments do you already own a FlySky radio?
Grayson Hobby yes I do I have a flysky radio and fatshark 5.8 googles
Awesome advice. You forgot one thing. Research! Do your homework to get a better understanding of the hobby.
I would recommend building your first quad so the you know it inside and out if you crash
My first mistake, which resulted in broken top plate (wizzard x220s) was flipping the Horizon mode switch and trying to make a side flip. I got scared to push all the way through but hit the throttle and the quad flew right into the ground.
Hi, I’m Jason from Flysky, no joke, its really me!
I built my first quad, but I have electronic experience, so it went together with no problem. then the problem, I found out it had to be setup, and I didn’t have a PC to begin with(freakin tablet) well I decided to order an eachine wizard x220(i built the Martian, my mistake thinking along the way somehow they were the same quad) I was going to try and watch you tube, look at the rtf models settings. The reason I went into all this, is because the rtf eachine was not ready to fly. luckily I finally found a friend in my small town to help me out. To long to make the long story short, so to all people newer than me, I offer this attitude, and you will make it. I have done so much, for so long, with so little, I am now qualified to to anything with nothing! We have the internet, more power in your hands than all generations that came before you, you can’t get it running, get out and find someone, anyone I have ever met is always happy to help get a fellow pilot flying. I DID NOT BUY THE RTF FROM THESE GUYS, MINE CAME STRAIGHT FROM BANGGOOD. they would have helped I’m sure, but who wants to wait another month or two.
I love you guys you guys are awesome my rookie mistake was letting somebody use my Quadcopter and it flew away I Only Had It 2 days
You didn’t go over anything important…
1. Location: don’t fly over other’s property (unless you have permission), over crowds, in a parking lot (you really think you can afford to fix that Farrari?), too many trees for your first flight. Pick a nice open grass field for your first flight or tow
2. Not setting up fail safe: Everything is going good, then your signal is blocked by a lot of trees or a house and your quad goes insane and slams into your neighbors window at some random trajectory.
3. Buy extra batteries: You have a blast, huge smile on your face, then 5 minutes later your batteries dead and you don’t have any spares for the evening… You’ve already spend probably $350, might as well spend another $40 and get 2 extra batteries (micro 3s might even get 4 batteries at that price)
4. Practice on sims: Even if you’re rich, you certainly don’t want to sit for a week waiting for parts to come in, so you might as well practice on a computer where all you have to do is hit the reset button. If you choose to ignore this, at least you will be a pro at soldering early on!
5. Flying too long in auto-level mode: first flight or 2, alright. After that, you don’t want to get dependent on a crutch since its nothing like Acro and severely limiting.
6. (Race quads only): buy extra props, you will be breaking them. I don’t care if you’re a pro, if you’re not breaking props, your not pushing yourself or probably having much fun.
7. Spending too much: When I fly my quad, I fly it like I stole it! Its a total blast, and the saddest thing to see is someone pretty much hiding under a rock, because they spend X amount (like $400) on the quad alone, and they’re too scared to break something so they fly like a grandma… Trust me, you’ll have so much more fun on a $150 quad ripping it around like there is no tomorrow, as opposed to flying something being tense and scared the whole time.
8. Don’t forget to fly legally. For the US, that means no flying within 5 miles of an airport, keep it under 400 ft, DO NOT use 1.3 Ghz (HAM licence only, and 5.8 Ghz is pretty good anyways). Also registration may be required depending if that gets repealed again and the quads weight.
9. For phantom owners: Look at the crash videos. Number 1 reason for crashes is probably not looking where you’re going. Do you drive your car looking out the side window the whole time? If you do, I applaud you for your mad drifting skills.
10. MOST IMPORTANT RULE!!!: Have fun! You didn’t spend your money to just sit around and be bored, go rip that thing around! Use it, enjoy it. If it breaks, don’t shed a tear, laugh at it and learn from your mistakes. Its just cheap carbon and motors in the end, so try that inverted yaw spiral around a tall tree, go ahead and do some tricks you’ve never tried. Have fun.
Maybe a good rule is read the instructions first if available to your machine? For instance my brother received a drone from Best Buy for Christmas,( don’t remember which, about $200), he took it outside and five minutes later he came in saying it was gone. He said it went up as fast as it could until it was only a speck in the sky and it went over the trees and goodbye. But the even crazier thing is he went back to the store the next day bought another one and did the exact same thing! LMAO SMH!
Wow I wish we had such a nice store here in Crete everything I buy is from other countries and it usually takes months to arrive
What do you think about using capacitor packs in place of batteries?
Never heard that term, so no lol
Grayson Hobby it’s a YouTube thing I saw. Guy puts a few d cell sized capacitors together to replace his car battery. Effectively.
I suppose in a car weight is not a factor, so still no no lol
Im not thinking weight is a problem with this either, I was more curious if the runtimes would be comparable.
Thanks you guys….I just bought my first quad and I know nothing about setting it up. So thank you for the information and I maybe calling for answers to my one thousand and one questions.
Had a Nanowii and hooked a cheap fpv camera on it myself, flew fpv then llst it.
bought a TBS Vendetta II as my first real race quad. Its great. almost impossible to break and works perfectly out of the box. PIDs are as good as perfect and flashing it with betaflight is simple if you use tbs agent. runs Cleanflight out of the box
How is a battery so smart without a micro chip in it.. How can it detect that damage???
Also with the new wireless charging being looked into more and more..
Yes, buying a Wizard is a newbie error. Don’t waste money on that… It is rather heavy.
what is the point of flying a toy around! its not like your flying around ! your paying for a piece of plastic to have fun! lmao… just buy a mosquito and fly yourself!
Does the x220 work with a 4s75c battery?
Nice video.
I think this video is outdated can you make video about maveric air tutorial
A summary at the end would have been nice
can i fly a 4cell battery on a wizard x220
Bro balance leads I chopped so many first starting out
No problem , i have thousands of dollars laying around.
Somebody is “noo” to spelling. They “bloo” the heading.
My first mistake was not looking at the controller manual because it was different to my other drone
Can i buy a best Fpv Drone from India?????
Which is the best toy grade that you should learn on. Since you state learn on a toy grade unit.
I just ordered the wizard x220s what upgrades do u recommend
Not very encouraging to call people who never flew anything a noob.
Can I hook up another camera to eachine e010
Go beyond your skills too fast and damage the drone…
I used to run my batteries till the quad dropped the first year LoL
Mistake number 7: buy one of those quads you just showed, they are really really bad!
Yeah the first mistake is they call a quadcopter an FPV RACE DRONE. Unless it can fly itself it’s not a drone. So until then it’s a quadcopter. But that’s just my view on the situation.
None of your links work
could you guys tell me if there is any radio that i can pair with my mjx bugs 3 pro?
Acro. Only. Never anything else
actually first filght go highter!!
make more room to correct mistakes…
alot more time learning to recover then keep crashing