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Torstein Horgmo | The Bomb Hole Episode 2200:00

From being harshly bullied in his youth to pulling the first triple cork on a snowboard as well as X-Games gold medal’s, Dew Tour Gold’s, the Olympic’s, amazing video parts, Shredbots, meat helicopter’s, jumping on his snowboard while Ken Block jump’s next to him in a car, almost 5 million youtube views on his movie Horgasm, yoga, meditation, water fasting, and journey’s to the spirit world on ayahuasca. Torstein Horgmo is a living legend! We have all seen that one poor kid in school that is a bit different and because of this all the other kids decide they are going to make his life a living hell. This was Torstein when he first started school, life sucked so bad he contemplated ending it all. Then something amazing happened, Torstein found snowboarding. It’s safe to say snowboarding saved his life and from the moment he strapped in he had a natural talent and for the first time in life he found real friends as well as something he was deeply passionate about. They pushed him to enter his first contest in Norway and he won! This was the catalyst and the rest is history. Join us on the journey of this incredible snowboarder from Norway that has a list of accolade’s longer then his snowboard and find out how he went from a child with no self esteem to become one of the most confident snowboarders in the game on this weeks episode of The Bomb Hole!

Torstein Horgmo’s Instagram: @torsteinhorgmo https://www.instagram.com/torsteinhorgmo/
@thebombhole: https://www.instagram.com/thebombhole/?hl=en
@Grendiesel : https://www.instagram.com/grendiesel/?hl=en
@E_stone : https://www.instagram.com/e_stone/

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Join The Bomb Squad on our Patreon page! Props to Sean FitzPatrick, Ray Konkol, Jason Falcao, Johnny O’Connor, Chris Chord, Tommy Pezzolesi, Nick Gering, Nikki Archuletta, Sean Colucci, Alex Allert, Mike Jones, Pat Moore, Grayson West, Conrad Tallackson, Gary Hansen, Julien Courbat, Tom Haraden, David Gillanders, Brian Mills, Johan Malkoski, Pat Nelson, Nikolaus Lopez, Jake Radmer, Scotty Conerly, Parker Gokey, Andy Gold, Brenden Lisi, Brain Seaman, Mark Dangler, Jason Brady, Barry Heaney, Jared Winkler, Crab Grab, Wal Millard, Alexander Crump, James Bowman, Tom Johnson, Michael Gunderson, Justin Mickelson, Desiree Melancon, Cooper Ramsden, Tim Ostler, Andree Grenier, Randy Adam, The Magoons, Javier Fernandez, James Cody, Pat Cully, Adam Spiers, Jason Watson, Ruby Dodge, Zachary Scoville, Matthew Keefe, Mark Ringer, Lane Knaack, Joe Schladweiler, Loren Grimm, Angus Trinder, Josh Holden, Robb Zbacnik, and Alex Deegan for the support.

Early Days- A Hard Childhood | Bullying | 00:01:23
Snowboarding Changed My Life And Saved Me | 00:06:00
Coming To America | 00:15:48
Name That Video Part | 00:21:56
What keeps Torstein Driven? | Jumping With Ken Block | 00:27:00
Heavy Stats | First Triple | 00:39:27
Lets Talk Cheddar Biscuits | Horgasm | Shredbots | 00:49:09
Gab 707 Drone Racer | 01:08:25
Yoga | Meditation | Ayahuasca | Water Fasting | 01:19:00
Patreon Question’s- Avalanche- North Star Line | 01:37:30
Grenier Goes Dr. Phil | Torstien Goes Guru | Budz Goes For The Booch | 01:46:49
Why Live In Colorado | Whats Next For Torstein? | 02:07:30

Show Notes-
Stop Bullying | https://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/get-help-now
Suicide Prevention Month | https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/promote-national-suicide-prevention-month/
Jumping With Ken Block | https://www.snowboarder.com/videos/throwback-ken-blocks-rally-car-jumping-dc-mtn-lab-1-5/
Torstein And Ken Block | https://vtcar.com/2007-10-23/1078/
First Triple Cork | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFGqkq3QqRE
First Triple in X Games | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJSzjCJ21CQ&list=PUxFt75OIIvoN4AaL7lJxtTg
Horgasm- A Love Story | https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=U6lpBi39N78&app=desktop
Shredbots | https://shredbots.com
Shredbots Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/user/ShredbotsOFFICIAL
Gab 707 | https://gab707.github.io
The Drone Racing League | https://thedroneracingleague.com
Reboot | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5a5mRe60sE
What is Ayahuasca | https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ayahuasca
Water Fasting And Meditation | https://www.gaia.com/article/how-fasting-can-increase-your-awareness
Torstein Black Winter Full Part | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exCTQQcszlk
Torstein’s North Star Line | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYhT4GW6tNc
Flow State | https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-flow-2794768
Aquavit | https://www.lifeinnorway.net/aquavit/
Light | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4sakyx-VoY
Torstein Horgmo on Youtube | https://www.youtube.com/user/steinbits

Thanks for Watching!

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