Definitely not for beginners, this is one fast quadcopter with FPV and telemetry. A GPS model is coming soon. If you need a little excitement, consider this drone before snapping into a Slim Jim. Ooooh Yeahhh! Find it here on Amazon, or international buyers find it here or here And find parts and other versions here
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“Awel” by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
music was shortened to fit length of video.
Hey bud how are you doing? I wanted to ask you a question? I have the walkera devo 7e and if i bought the walkera runner 250 bnf version will it bind right outta the box? Or do i have to buy another receiver? Thank you very much.
do you still have you still have the walkera 250 runner
did you go in a desert for each video
hey bud how are you doing? I want to ask you a question? I have the walkera devo 7e and I’m thinking about buying the walkera 250 runner BNF version. Out of the box will the 250 runner bind with my devo 7e? or do I have to do anything extra? Thank you.
what is the flight time
Whith drone is better…Walkera runner 250 or Eachine racer 250??
Nice video, but an advice for next time – if you name a video “racing drone”, try to show some fast flying, because this is what we want to see when searching for racing drone on youtube. I fly my 4KG inspire clone much faster than this
i bought a walkera 250 advance gps as my first drone. i am a heavy gammer so i have no problem flying this in manual, i agree though. not for everyone. parts arnt the cheapest either
great video man!! love your channel
I really hate those image disturbance due to wide angle cam !
walkera runner might be ok if you already know how to fly as this fella does mention in the video if you dont be prepared to spend a lot of money on repairs and down time waiting for parts
every crash ive had have cost a arm a motor or well the cheapest was props the most expensive Whole power distribution board witch is a integrated part of the frame structure
Hey Guys! You can get a FPV Walkera Runner 250 Adv with a HUGE DISCOUNT from banggod. You will also receive $10 gift card for purchases over $100. Hurry! just visit this link:
do you know how far can you go also it runs fast ? thanks good video
flight starts at 5:17
£200! Wow that’s pretty good.
And I’m still looking for one with a GPS. Good video.
Is there a good and cheap beginners drone?
just remember if you want your quadcopter to stay still and hover set your trim till it doesbut keep it facing up wind when you want to hover if you have a mini drone and its a little breezy set your trim forward all the way and fly it like a plain if you have a racer quadcopter trim it more forward so it will go faster if you notice when they race they start on the ground and not Wyle hovering. trim forward faster going forward less back pull a tip to help getting speed and real fun.
+Quadcopter 101 Hello Quadcopter 101 I was wondering if you could direct me to buying a low cost fpv racing drone. If there is one on GearBest that would be fantastic. I love your videos. Thanks for the help.
Does it come with a screen so you can see the drones POV
Quadcopter101 hiya iv just got the devo 7 transmitter and set it up with my receiver but i cant workout how to setup my switches for flight modes & failsafe can you give me help on this please or anyone that knows there way around the devo 7 tx
fagd out lol shoudve hammered the shyt out of it. its a freebie
ur a good pilot 101????
Nice vid thank you!
this camera is FPV screen it’s not Gopro, is’t it?
this camera is FPV screen it’s not Gopro, is’t it?
ur a cool dude:] lol
ur a cool dude:] lol
you are the Mr greg of Steven universe
What sized props does it have
What battery compatibility does the Pro have? Will it run with a 35c?
What battery compatibility does the Pro have? Will it run with a 35c?
Could you please do a setting up video for Walkera runner 250 pro. I tried to do bind the transmitter (Devo 7) to the drone and I was unable to do. I even took the drone to the shop even they couldn’t. I would appreciate if you could do a video related to this product. binding is a pain in the ass even though they advertise as a ready to fly drone.
can you stream the video?
lol expert no flips that thing will flip so ez love ur videos thk
things not a toy lol don’t try to do flips till you ha e a few years experience at least
fly in the grass to you’ll sbao that thing in half in a crash
snap…stupid phone
walkera vs. dji phantom 4 race
Glad you keep switching between ground view and drone view – most everyone forgets to do that
So….. did you get paid for this review? Did they send it to you for free for a positive review?
Pls mention the price and flight range also..For all videos..
Hey dude, I cant find the serial number which I need in order to access the drone from the app.
Cann you tell me where to find it?
Radio always FIRST man !!
I didn’t even know racing drones even exist until I stumble upon my job website. That drone is pretty fast. Can you build a drone like how people build rc cars/buggies?