Despite having a face only a mother could love, the ZOHD Talon Rebel GT flies extremely nicely and is a well engineered RC plane ideally suited to FPV and long-range operation.
– excellent engineering and design
– good fit and finish
– accommodates a wide range of FPV and HD cameras
– fantastic low-speed handling even when heavily loaded
– incredible flight efficiency and glide
– my motor had no glue on the magnets (reviewer’s curse?)
– the suggested CG location is (IMHO) too far forward
– sub-dorsal fins a bit vulnerable to damage
– not cheap
Bottom line: If you can afford it, you’ll love it!
Disclosure: this particular aircraft was provided for review purposes.
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no kit …….
Does anyone use a dji controller which has read/write privilege to fly with other “prototype” devices?
Glad to see you flying again.
Kinda bothers me that it’s like a brick at the front, though I realise this problem may be more aesthetic than aerodynamic.
Seems the motor issue is a bit of a chronic problem. Zohd will switch it’s supplier. I wonder what hassle the current owners will have with their defective motors…
‘We’ve got 2 wings, one for each side, other wise it would fly very very strangely’ ?? had me that. Love the content
What is the flight time?
One word for the black Bruce… PAINT. Its cheap, its easy, anyone can do it. I think it would be a nice FPV platform. Horizon was selling Apprentices with loose magnets. The company that made those motors need to get their shit together. What junk! I would contact them for a replacement for that money. Shame on them. Bad QC.
It has ZOHD’s name on it so it has exactly the quality control they paid for and agreed to with the manufacturer. Any and all quality control issues are completely theirs. That’s what it means to have your name on something.
Well Done
Great review Bruce but i do find your sometimes a little hard on yourself mate,as i didn’t even notice the shakiness in flight until it popped up on the video saying so. ? most of your long time subscribers know why and except your great flying skills no matter if your having a good or bad day mate,keep up the good work as it’s appreciated.
Fixed ventral fins are called strakes, aren’t they? (Some fighter jets have those.) But other than that, nice coverage. Shame you got a bum motor, since the design seems well thought out.
The 2nd motor seemed as loud as the 1st.and a lot louder than other planes that size. Is that just me or is it the prop or tail shape?
Another great video with solid info. You have 200K subscribers for good reason….but please, please collate your content into playlists a bit more…would make it so much easier to find stuff….you put out so much good content!!
The sub-dorsals protect the propeller when landing?
Very nice Bruce, and Tim did very well with the camera.
Bruce, you forgot to include the price in your review. NZ$400. That has to be the most expensive ugly piece of foam with a biodegradable motor, on the market.
Great video. I want one.
Hello Mr. WondAIRful, Thanks for the review. On an aside, after flying drones in acro for a few years now I get the feeling that flying a plane would be pretty boring. I might be wrong and this lil guy looks tempting. Only thing I think I could fly would be a glider. But that’s just mho
Would get some great long-range footage with a hero 7 and hypersmooth. Might have to use a lighter battery not sure since it is a heavier camera. I didn’t know you were a DaVinci resolve user it’s my favorite editor especially for color correcting actually for everything lol.
Best review I’ve seen hands down. You’re actually finally getting good at this. lol I’m just kidding always been good ?
Tim did a good job!
Heads up Bruce this guy is using your video out of context for his own butthurt agendas with the company ZOHD.
Hope you’re having a great weekend