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ZOHD Talon Rebel GT FPV RC plane review23:55

Despite having a face only a mother could love, the ZOHD Talon Rebel GT flies extremely nicely and is a well engineered RC plane ideally suited to FPV and long-range operation.

– excellent engineering and design
– good fit and finish
– accommodates a wide range of FPV and HD cameras
– fantastic low-speed handling even when heavily loaded
– incredible flight efficiency and glide

– my motor had no glue on the magnets (reviewer’s curse?)
– the suggested CG location is (IMHO) too far forward
– sub-dorsal fins a bit vulnerable to damage
– not cheap

Bottom line: If you can afford it, you’ll love it!

Disclosure: this particular aircraft was provided for review purposes.

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    1. Ds Hesh
    2. Vocum1992
    3. alec thenice
    4. veizour
    5. Phil Edwards
    6. Adriano Casemiro
    7. BanditFPV
    8. Александр Пушкин
    9. RC Hobbyist Extreme
    10. 6 6
    11. Mike Nelson
    12. startazz
    13. pauljs75
    14. flagship1701e
    15. A_Brit_ In_TX
    16. 1tuuber
    17. Felix Rodriguez
    18. Brad Johnson
    19. James Long
    20. John Graboski
    21. Farmer Fpv
    22. TheRattleSnake3145
    23. Farmer Fpv

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