08:40 Unboxing Drone from Lazada in less 20 ‘ WASSSSUUPP mga BALUGA! WAG NIYONG KAKALIMUTANG MAG: -LIKE? -COMMENT -SHARE -SUBSCRIBE? and HIT …
00:00 YMFC-3D part 6 – Build your own Arduino quadcopter flight controller with source code.. PLEASE USE THE YMFC-AL (AUTO-LEVEL) SOFTWARE: https://youtu.be/DYpHB-LfloI These videos are just for reference. The …
00:00 Vídeo drone FPV | 4º Aniversario Fitness 19 Castelldefels | Tarde Vídeo drone FPV | 4º Aniversario Fitness 19 Castelldefels | Tarde
00:00 Il super-drone spia americano ‘X-61A Gremlin’ supera il primo test. Ma precipita Le immagini del primo test del drone voluto dalla Difesa americana per intercettare comunicazioni, …
15:13 JXD509W WiFi Quadcopter Drone with Altitude hold PT1 http://www.gearbest.com/rc-quadcopters/pp_328232.html?lkid=10002941 https://www.facebook.com/JohnVHRC/ Fun, Stable quadcopter! Here is the unboxing, indoor and outdoor flying, and …
09:41 Brushless WPL B1. Worlds Fastest Part 2, FAIL . 2 speed gearbox, 4800kv motor. Metal gears Here’s Part 2 of the ‘Worlds fastest WPL’. A bit of fun Challenge …
04:19 Lost My Drone in the Ocean? | Inside Drone Remote | Magic speed X52 Drone remote Opening the Drone remote controller. What’s inside the drone remote Magic speed X52 Drone …