08:33 10 INSANE MACHINES THAT WILL MAKE YOU FLY Aircraft haven’t changed all that much since the Wright brothers managed to get themselves …
02:29 FPV micro quadcopter training 3- Quanum Wisp 110mm crash This is another of my main build, however i really don’t like the way …
01:37 First flight of HuanQi H899 with GoPro equivalent mount Got this drone recently. This was my first time flying a quadcopter. Wind speed …
29:01 Dronovi-Quadrocopteri JJRC H31, H5C osvrtrewiev- iskustva, modifikacije JJRC H31, H5C osvrt/rewiev Izradio sam ovaj videozapis pomoću YouTubeova Videouređivača (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Expodronica 2016 Dani Pacha Fpv Race – Carrera Drones Expodronica 2016. The largest fair of drones in Europe. In Zaragoza (Spain) Thanks Richard …
02:03 Aton Quadcopter at Insane Full Speed! | Traxxas Sky-high rolls and flips, and blistering full-throttle speeds, Aton is the ultimate flying machine. …
09:31 INSPIRE 2 HIGH SPEED TEST | VLOG0034 Pre order the Inspire 2 here: https://goo.gl/gzV2Ww Alex and the crew get more comfortable …
00:00 ● MI PRIMER CIRCUITO DE CARRERAS + FREESTYLE | JM FPV ● ↓↓ Leer Abajo ↓↓ Esta es la primera vez desde que practico este hobbie …
07:52 Shooting tiny drones with guns | FPV Got invited out to shoot some tiny drones with guns and friends. Who can …