07:18 (Cocok utk 14-25 Tahun) XK WL Q808 Mini Drone Kualitas Premium Auto Take Off Landing Mini Drone Persembahan dari XK pabrikan WL dengan Kualitas Premium. Drone ini paling cocok …
00:00 RadioMaster TX16S and Taranis Q X7 Upgrades RadioMaster TX16S personalised color options and Taranis Q X7 R9M 2019 Access transmitter. Radiomaster …
11:18 We tried to fly it | Red Bull – Bull Rider Huge shoutout to DamoRC and DamoRC Jnr Check out their full video here: https://youtu.be/5ohANi00kB0 …
01:45 Cinematic Car Chasing FPV DRONE 4K Following a car with FPV drone while inside the car. #carsickness Please LIKE and …
20:35 Inyectando VR en Unity + Tutorial Koikatu VR with Patchwork. Hola a todos/a, les traigo una técnica para inyectar vr en juegos hechos en …
02:36 Major Drone Crash – Demise of the Hornet 220 Major Drone Crash – Demise of the Hornet 220 ————————————————————————– Had a fun weekend …
23:11 Resurrecting a HUGE 10″ Quadcopter From 2015 I was recently given a quadcopter from 2015 that never actually flew. I decided …