Tag: Emax

Abandoned Barn QAV-R Emax RS2205 2600kv DYS XM20A

QAV-R FPV Racing Quadcopter (5″) https://www.thedronestorenv.com/collections/lumenier/products/qav-r-fpv-racing-quadcopter-5 Emax RS2205 2600kv https://www.thedronestorenv.com/collections/emax-motors/products/emax-rs2205-ii-racing-edition-kv2300 DYS XM20A https://www.thedronestorenv.com/collections/dys-esc/products/dys-mini-xm20a-3-4s-esc-blheli-firmware-w-pad The …

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