Fpv practice 250 racer crash drone quadcopter Floureon 250 Racer FPV crash Broxbourne Woods practice. Drone
05:08 FPV Car CHase – That Diamond White ST I tried chasing a car for the first time, my mate Chris’ Fiesta ST. …
20:48 RealACC KT100 Micro Brushless Quad Build So far it looks like an ok kit to me. The ESCs being too …
03:56 Up Air 1 Max Speed Test (2xCrashes) Alt Vs Gps Vs Sport modes Testing top speed the 3 main modes on the Up Air 1, Alt hold …
07:40 RCTESTFLIGHT – RC Crashes, FPV, Drones and more Compilation A bunch of random footage from my hard drives.
07:35 JJRC H37 Elfie Drone 2.4G 4CH Mini Wifi FPV Altitude Hold RC Quadcopter UNBOX RTF Flight Camera Test FULL FLIGHT HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AotK16IuMQ BUY HERE https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MXNWLLG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 DRONE DAYS …
01:49 Altitude test with the phoenix gps drone. To high for me the drone can go higher but the video transmission can’t so that sucks please …
00:00 Kyosho MINI Z Audi R8 FPV Fun Something slightly different than usual. Finally got my hands on a Kyosho MINI Z …
19:21 FreeX Low Cost GPS Gimbal Camera Drone Flight Test Review This GPS drone may currently be the lowest priced GPS quadcopter with an included …
12:46 250mm Yarış Drone Yapımı 2 250mm yarış dronu yapımının yazılımsal olarak yapılan aşamalarını anlatan videodur. Dronun kendi yapım videosunu …