06:40 Quadcopter Parça Seçimleri Seçimleri ve Nedenleri (Apm 2.8 Uçuş Kartı) “Quadcopter Yapımı 1” Drone hava sahası youtube kanalında bu video ile birlikte yeni bir video serisine başlamış …
12:46 250mm Yarış Drone Yapımı 2 250mm yarış dronu yapımının yazılımsal olarak yapılan aşamalarını anlatan videodur. Dronun kendi yapım videosunu …
06:21 Flying drones in the mall? After our top secret mission in denver, syffe, stanicus and me decided to piss …
01:24 FPV Drone Chill Freestyle もうGoPro Session5 には戻れません。。 Setup Prop: Ethix S3 5031 Frame: ImpulseRC Reverb PDB: ImpulseRC WOLF …
11:27 Miniquad speed record. Part 9. V3 build overview. Build thread starts here- http://fpvlab.com/forums/showthread.php?37954-World-speed-record-with-250mm-(or-under)-size-quad&p=798511&viewfull=1#post798511 Even before I finished it I found more spots …
09:56 MJX Bugs 3 2.4GHz, 4Ch, 6 Axis Gyro RC Quadcopter with ESCs and Brushless Motors (RTF) MJX Bugs 3 Review: https://goo.gl/4jd0iV MJX Bugs 3 2.4GHz, 4Ch, 6 Axis Gyro RC …
00:00 UDI Mini Hover Board Drone, Altitude Hold, Auto Take Off, Land ETC. from Banggood.com Flight Test Surprised me right off the batt. Cool little hover Board / Airplane Drone. Priced …
06:01 UN NIVEAU SUPERIEUR (fpv freestyle drone) Vol fpv en drone racer/freestyle. Session freestyle dans les bois avec le realacc x210 …
20:35 Inyectando VR en Unity + Tutorial Koikatu VR with Patchwork. Hola a todos/a, les traigo una técnica para inyectar vr en juegos hechos en …
Dubai Motor Festival 2015. FPV Drone Freestyle. Drone Worx Dubai Quick practice flight before filming Ken Block. http://droneworxdubai.com/
01:33 FONT ROMEU, ODEILLO, VIA….UNE HISTOIRE DE PONT Dans les contre-bas de VIA tout près de Font-Romeu, si discret bien caché….et pourtant, …