Tag: racing/FPV

Miniquad speed record. Part 6- V2 buld overview

Build with pics and more description, motor/prop test data etc starts here: http://fpvlab.com/forums/showthread.php?37954-World-speed-record-with-250mm-(or-under)-size-quad&p=736931&viewfull=1#post736931 First …

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Last Fall

Old footage from the fall of 2016. My MultiGP page – http://www.multigp.com/user/view/Soliton My name: …

Speed Skating: Tips for Beginners

https://www.rollerblade.com/the-rollerblade-experience/skating-advice/speed-skating-tips-for-beginners/ Improving your technique as a speed skater lends to more confident and faster …